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Message From St. Germain

By Anne Bellringer

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eak to their God-Spirit within.

Always, chela Anne, you look to others for answers from St. Germain, and I have many messengers, many ones with whom I communicate, but at this time the message for the world shall come from you, as you have been listening, thinking, and wondering what the situation is with NESARA, the World Court, Transition, Ascension, Harmonic Concordance, and many other world, national and personal needs. There are also many who communicate, they say, with the Higher Realms but indeed, their ego may get in the way and the messages are distorted. As always, be discerning when you read so that your heart strings are in tune with what is said. This message, I know comes from your heart. Let us proceed.

At this point in time, NESARA’s announcement is like the “second coming”—you know that it shall come, but no one knows the exact moment. Be listening, be prepared, and know that in your inner being, all is being prepared and done to assure this to happen. Remember that we are doing all we can to accomplish the task before us. Many lessons have been learned by those White Knights who are on the “announcement” team. It is difficult for some to believe what they cannot “see” with 3rd dimensional eyes. Thus, lessons are repeated and learned. Some White Knights have been removed and others put in their place. Battles have been fought and won, but finally, after the lessons are repeated, we are now in place. Rest assured that the time frame for the announcement shall not be passed. Heaven has assured us that the mass consciousness of Terra Nova has reached the point where there is no turning back to the darkside. There is enough positive energy out there to bring ALL UNTO ENLIGHTENMENT. I refer you to the article on the front page of Fourwinds entitled, “Harmonic Concordance – The Star of Bethlehem for this Age,” and I quote:

"You are co-creators. The Star of David means that you have found your balance. It means your Twin Flame is near. It means that you've accepted the vastness of your beings. It means that you have given Love the highest place within your life, and this choice is now reflected in the stars. It means there are enough of you. It means that those who have made the choice for Love are strong enough together to bring all others with you." [End quoting]

NESARA is here, upon you. Live your life with NESARA a very real part of it. The Golden Age is upon you, and shall never be wiped away by the darkside. Remember this, for you are not alone in this vast universe. Your brothers and sisters of the Lighted Realms are here with you ones constantly, and are doing their part in helping and are only a thought away. The call compels the answer.

I speak now of the World Court. We of the Lighted Realms have worked tirelessly with the World Court who have come back to Love and Light. They, too, desire what you ones want, and that is for the Golden Age of Enlightenment, starting with the NESARA announcement. And indeed, those dark ones who will refuse to come back to Love and Light shall be gone from Terra Nova—at their choice, and their ploys of “take over again” and causing problems after NESARA is announced shall never be tolerated, for the rising frequencies shall cause them to come to the Light or leave (physical death). It is their choice….but if they choose to come to Love and Light, you ones are to welcome them to the Kingdom of Heaven in Love and forgiveness.

You ones at Fourwinds have had others “attack” you because of the posting of Henry Fords “International Jew” and also the posting of The Protocols of Zion. I want to let ones know that Truth is. These articles that have been brought to the front page of Fourwinds have been posted on Fourwinds and her sister site Phoenix Archives since 1996, dating back to the Phoenix Journals and the Contact Newspapers. Bellringer’s Corner has had the Protocols posted for several years. I have a couple of things to remind you, Anne, that Truth is Truth and sometimes not always the most positive. When NESARA is announced, the people of Terra Nova are going to get the true history of their planet and how things have been twisted, distorted, rewritten and tweaked until the truth was all but totally hidden. Much of the past history of the united States from 1933 to date is in the Phoenix Journals and Contact newspapers. The Truth is not all Love and happiness, but it will make ones angry that so much has happened to them which was done in secret, slowly, like poisoning someone to death drop by drop; however, it is the Truth that shall set ones free. The “infection” shall be removed, and ones shall be free at last to live in Peace in Harmony, and Love.

The Pleiades Connection Series of Phoenix Journals reveal the Truth of Light, creation, and science of your world, and how the elite controllers have used their power to control through ignorance, poverty, disease, and thought. By thought, I mean to keep telling the people of Terra Nova that they are nothing, have no power, are to grovel for forgiveness, are terrible sinners, when indeed, the Truth revealed is how powerful ones are—Co-creators with Creator Source! This wonderful event of the Golden Age is happening because people are finally awakening to their God-power of Thought Creation—making it so! This is the downfall of the darkside.

So the Harmonic Concordance is upon you when Creator Source shall pour upon you blessings of Love and Light, ushering in the Golden Age of Enlightenment. Ascension is also upon you ones, as you assist in making Terra Nova “Heaven on Earth”, long awaited for by the entire Cosmos for millions of years.

I must say that we of the Lighted Realms bow in reverence to all you ones of Terra Nova who have come unto enlightenment and are doing all you can to promote the Golden Age, and assist in bringing about the door to that age which is NESARA. The door is open, my friends, and you are to walk through that door in total belief. It is here.

I take my leave of you in Light, and in Love, and with all the blessings of the Lighted Realms. Your old friend, Commander Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, is most pleased to see that you have brought to the forefront his writings. Please know again, the TRUTH shall set you FREE!

It is a grand time to be alive. Hope and Joy await you! Blessings of total health and freedom are yours to enjoy. Your brothers and sisters await to shake your hand and greet you with open arms. SALU to mine ones! I am Germain.
