St. Germain Through Mike Quinsey 10-25-04
Mike Quinsey
I often stress the need for you to put aside those quiet moments, and they are more necessary than ever before. When you have calmed yourself, you are better able to sit back and make rational decisions, and see beyond what is on the surface. It is not surprising that there is much happening that is causing un-ease, as the most important period upon Earth for millennia is about to commence. You wish to know the outcome before the mold has been set, yet you know that often there are surprises in store. Clearly it would not be wise to know precisely what was about to occur, or the long term affects. Sometimes your psychics will pick up impressions, but you have to remember that at this stage these are only possibilities. At any time, a number of different realities exist. It is you, Dear Ones, who determine the outcome and it is very important that you concentrate on it and see it positively. Often certain events have to work themselves out before a more positive result is obtained. Always bear in mind that the overall picture does not convey to you what is happening behind the scenes. The dark have an agenda that their current policies are leading to and in the long term, they have their sights set upon world domination. However, the Light also has a plan, and it cannot fail because it has Divine authority behind it and so it shall work out. Whatever you see happening before your eyes, bear in mind this fact, sit back and contemplate the power of the Light, have faith and be positive and add your energies to it. You cannot yet see the detail, but you have been promised that there are events that are planned and ready to take plac; events that will re-shape your destiny for once and for all and you will see these happen in your time.
The Forces of Light have been preparing for this time for longer than you could imagine. They have the Galactic Federation behind them, and a power that could alter your situation in the twinkling of an eye. The fact that they have not yet done so is because Humanity has first to see the reflection of itself in the actions of the dark, as you have over eons of time set this period into motion. It is a culmination of negative energies that you have collectively produced, and they must be allowed to manifest. But, we say only so far, as there is no punishment or retribution involved. All experience is carried with you, and you have to see and often feel the results of your negative actions and thoughts.
Be aware of what is happening, but do not get involved with the emotional side, beyond sending out your Love and Light. Know that time is passing so quickly, that the changes you so desire are ready to come into being at any moment now. Everything is under control, although it would appear quite different. We see the overall picture, and I assure you that the last throes of the dark are being witnessed now.
Look ahead, there are fantastic times to be experienced and all of your concerns will be dealt with very quickly. So much Light surrounds you. Draw it to yourself and feel its protection. Share it and bring calmness to others. There are many who are so confused and worried. Heaven is about to shower you with its gifts, and you will have your sovereignty fully restored.
I AM Saint Germaine, come to assure you that, as always, the victory is yours. The Light descends and the negative energies are being transmuted. The power of the dark is being removed. The outcome is assured. May my Love accompany you always.
Thank you Saint Germaine
Mike Quinsey