St. Germain 05.14.05.
Through Mike Quinsey
We are very flexible at present, and if another way should suddenly present itself, we can mobilize our allies very quickly. To keep our plans as secret as possible, we have to do our work very discreetly so as to not draw attention to ourselves. We are fully confident of our success, and it really is a matter of opportunity, rather than more planning. As the dark throw caution to the wind, so they are desperately trying to push their plans forward. It is in these circumstances that mistakes are made and that will be their undoing.
Each time you hear good news, we see a rise in the light energies and this is clearly welcomed. As it continues to grow the power is increasing, which is another pressure upon the dark. At this time, we would ask that you stay focused and try not to let any disappointment result in negativity. Some of you have been with us from the start, and you have of course been extremely patient. Do not lose your resolve to stick with it after all of this time. The plan will be completed regardless of any other factor. We do not want to force the issue, but if we have to we have the means to do it. We play a waiting game, and see where events are leading and at the appropriate time will suddenly give the signal to go ahead. Unlike the dark, we know exactly where they are and there is no hiding place. They believe when things get hot that they can hide underground and leave the planet unnoticed. That will serve them no useful purpose, and we will remove them when it suits us.
Meantime, you see the dark are amassing their supporters around them and attempting to bring them into positions of authority. This is where we call on you to do whatever you can to prevent these appointments going ahead. Do it in a way that will bring credit to the Lightworkers, and without physical violence or ways that would be more associated with the dark. As other people get to hear of your work, so the clamor for change will grow and this will be another source of energies that will help immensely.
There are many good people that have no idea of the changes that are proposed, yet they fight the injustice around them. They also see how much the government is doing to take away the last vestiges of your freedom. As you find each other and jointly use your efforts for better effect, so a strong lobby is formed and it cannot be ignored. The growth in the numbers of people that oppose the government measures is having an effect already, and this is why they try to rush through changes in your laws. You are becoming a strong force that is feared, and you cannot be suppressed if you have a mind to forge ahead with your campaign to bring truth back into the public arena.
News travels fast, and no quicker than by word of mouth. Talk about your concerns to other people who may not yet have awakened to what is taking place. Most people have an honest desire to know the truth, and usually have sufficient discretion to see through false claims of conspiracy. You have a saying about there being no smoke without fire, and a sensible assessment of what you hear will guide you to the truth. The chips are down, and the media who have failed in their duty to report in an unbiased way are about to lose all semblance of respectability. They will be found out for what they are, and with few exceptions they are the pawns in the hands of the Illuminati. You must fight for freedom of information, before it totally disappears.
I am St. Germain, and my battle cry rings around the world as we are witnessing the last throes of the dark. All Lightworkers are needed to focus on the outcome and see no other than a victory for the Light. It is so written, and so shall it be. Need I tell you again how powerful you are, and you have the potential to bring miraculous changes into being. Together we are invincible, and it is just a matter of time before our victory will be announced. Do your bit without fear and I assure you that you will be unharmed, and you will see success. Love is a powerful energy and it accompanies you all the way.
Thank you St. Germain
Mike Quinsey
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