St. Germain via Mike Quinsey 03.05.05
By Mike Quinsey
Biblical teachings are difficult to interpret, if you believe that they are the Word of God. The problem is that the Old Testament is full of the words of many different people, and not all were divinely inspired. In fact, some were adherents of the dark and used ancient history for their own ends. They taught “God’s Word” when, in fact, it was their own for the purpose of holding you in their power. God has incorrectly been attributed with Human desires, and depicted as a revengeful God. Taking the Bible literally means that you can take out whatever suits your argument, although, in fact, there are many contradictions. The point I make is that if you have been brought up on Biblical teachings, and these are the measure of your understanding, it is time to become your own teacher. Look at the teachings in a different light, and using your intuition find the answers to your questions from within. Some will doubt that this is possible, but I say to you that you have all knowledge within.
Whatever your religious beliefs, and even if you have none at all, it is time to see all from the perspective of your loving Creator. The truth is quite simple, and you should base your thinking on what God would do, as the personification of All Love, aGod, who does not have the human frailties of hate, jealousy, envy and a whole Pandora’s Box of negativity. Try to put yourself in a position of acceptance of all that is without judgement. Love another as your self, and wish for them what you wish for self. See all others as your Brothers and Sisters, regardless of their color, creed or religion. They may not yet see you in this way, but the enacting and understanding of truth has to start somewhere.
Let me say, as I have said before, that no one religion holds the Truth, because all have been based on old teachings that no longer reflect the way it is in reality. It is time for a new Man to emerge, one whose church is within, one who has the ability to be discerning based on the simple teaching of Love. Is this not an easy measure of whether you are totally loving in your words and deeds? Ask yourself, "does what I do cause harm to anyone else", and you have your answer? So much killing has gone on in the name of religion and still does, and this surely tells you that there is something wrong. Would a God of All Love really want you to kill another of his creations, and that applies to all forms of life? However, allowance is made for your eating preferences, but there will come a time when the eating of red meat will no longer serve you.
Soon after the coming changes commence, the whole question of religious beliefs will be addressed. There must be a realistic look at the false teachings, and a coming together of all people in a search for truth. If you ignore this advice, then it matters not, as you still have your freewill to make your own choice. However, there is just the one Truth, and all of you will eventually achieve that understanding. Meantime, as they say, you can be your own person and travel where your chosen path takes you.
I am St. Germain, and I give you a few thoughts to ponder. Your beliefs are such an important part of your evolution, but now a time of great change approaches. Be ready to change, as another wonderful opportunity to move into the higher dimensions presents itself. Be open minded and you will give yourself the chance to participate fully in the coming Ascension. We can do no more than place the truth before you. After that it is your decision. I will be there should you call me, and happy to give you my help for your understanding. The Brotherhood of Light works with great Love and patience, and we will be with you all of the way.
Thank you St. Germain.
Mike Quinsey