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St. Germain 10.03.05

Through Mike Quinsey

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y powerful indeed.

These are volatile times to live in and at one level it appears very disorganized. This is what happens when the dark are confronted by the Light and its unavoidable affect. Soon a clearer pattern will emerge and you will see the foundation of all that is needed to remove the old energies. There is a never ending flow of Light coming to Earth, and at different times it is empowered by the release of more energies, sometimes from deep in space. The different alignments and configurations of the planets also enhance such releases and the eclipse occurring today is one such example.

As you have often been told, in essence everything is energy and there is therefore a continual interplay between them. Those that are used by the dark are one and the same, but used for negative purposes. All affects Mother Earth and this is why in the course of her cleansing she has to remove such energies. You do the same as you raise your vibrations to a point where the negative energies can no longer have a hold on you. You may not perhaps be so aware of it, but it is how you cleanse yourself. It also requires of you that you control your thoughts and actions, so as not to attract further negative energies to you.

You will know when you are succeeding in eliminating the negative energies. You will find a greater strength to hold that space you have created for yourself, in which you can find that stillness and peace. These are times when no outside influence can upset or perturb you and you walk tall in your own Light. This is when much good work can be done through visualization and meditation. See what it is that is around you that needs the light, and it matters not where it is in the world as your focus and willpower can send it where you desire. Never limit yourself, as it is possible to change anything that should take your attention. As with any energy, once it has been sent out it has to eventually manifest its purpose.

At our levels we can also add our energies to yours and we help ensure success. At even higher levels powerful energies are sent out that can affect the whole solar system, and so this great interplay is happening all of the time. Your Sun is also a powerful player in these happenings as it relays the energies to Earth. Can you now see how the changes are being quickened, and why many individuals can feel these within? Indeed, many feel the changes around themselves and the air feels electrified. Some notice how their own emanations have a clear affect on others around them, and young children are particularly sensitive to them. Even babies respond and you have certainly noticed a smile as their eyes connect with yours. They feel and see more than you do and their reaction is so natural and innocent.

Keep in mind the power you have, and when you are confronted with dark energies simply surround them in love. It is irresistible and will eventually melt the hardest heart. Never mind that you do not see an immediate result, as you may rest assured it will have an effect. This is in no way is affecting the free choice of another person, as you are not forcing it upon them against their will. The energy of Love is a constant that is forever beaming out from the Central Sun and it is the life force of All That Is.

There is still some way to go until the old can be totally removed, but you are on the right track. We see so much more purpose and belief in your actions, and it is wonderful to think that this has come about over such a short time. When things can start to happen more openly, events will go forward in leaps and bounds. The forces of Light will come to Earth and there will be so much good work done together. This time is almost here and we know so many of you are anxious to get started. Never fear that you will be overlooked, as we know you all and bear in mind that many of you came to Earth to be of service at this special time.

Absolutely nothing will prevent the end-times working out other than as planned. All of us are here at the Creators bidding and the time of manifestation is upon you. There has been much preparation to reach this point and you will, rightly feel proud to have been selected to be part of it. Each is chosen according to their abilities, and also karmic links with Earth. Humanity is on the verge of its greatest leap forward and it will be a truly momentous occasion.

I am St. Germain and I know that many of you are caught up in the changes and sometimes question whether you should withdraw. Remember that wherever you find yourself now, it is the correct place for you. Use your knowledge and influence to change matters from within the organizations that you work for or are associated with, and you will be doing a great service. A word or action here and there that brings light onto a situation is often all that is required to start changes. Confrontation is not necessary, and your mere presence will sometimes be all that is necessary to awaken the Light in others.

Great times are so near, but allow for the final cleansing within the Halls of Power, and the last cabal will fall apart and be removed. You can now see where it is all heading and success is clearly just around the corner. Keep visualizing the outcome and give power to those directly involved in the action. You know who they are by now, and they will benefit by having your protection. Every Lightworker has many unseen helpers, and they are there to be called upon should you need to do so. I am also there for you all and if you feel under threat or attack, call on my violet ray of protection and wrap it round you. Many great Beings are nearing Earth and with them comes a wonderful love for you all.

Thank you St. Germain.

Mike Quinsey.
