St Germain 04.09.05
By Mike Quinsey
Because NESARA and First Contact have brought many people together in a common cause, it has hastened events and speeded up their growth in consciousness. The latter has been a separate issue of long standing, and started as this cycle did 26,000 years ago. It is the completion of cycles within cycles that has brought this one to such an important conclusion. It is the end-time of duality and the beginning of an integrated consciousness, that will see you restored as Galactic Beings with full consciousness.
The Light is now a powerful force on Earth, and grows ever more rapidly as the dark is losing its power. The days of oppression and bondage are ending, and helped immensely by the actions of those who are awakening to their true self. With growing confidence, many are standing up and challenging the unlawful acts that are against your constitutional rights. As the momentum of even this small change gathers force, so it will further the efforts to halt the activities of the dark. As more of you recognise the way in which your freedom is being removed, so there will be a counter force that will bring pressure to bear upon the dark.
Your greatest problem is that you are left very much to find your own truth, as the media not only manipulate your news but falsely report it. Perhaps you accept that for political reasons certain editors will naturally have a bias, but what you have seen is a suppression of news on a large scale. Your media is a powerful tool cleverly used by the dark, and opposition to it is not tolerated. In a balanced society, you would expect matters to be given equal status and presented fairly. However, once the changes take place, the whole situation will be addressed very quickly and you will be given truthful reporting.
The truth of your past is a shocking catalogue of manipulation and deceit, which has reached a new peak this century. For hundreds of years powerful beings have played politics and religion, and many times against each other. The wealth of the land has gradually been acquired by the privileged few, who have perpetuated their ideas into present times. With the sudden growth of advanced technology, they have found a means to implement their plans for world domination. Have you not wondered why so many inventions are simply designed for warlike purposes that have no possible use for peaceful purposes? The technology that could have helped Humanity to progress has been deliberately suppressed. With it, many of today’s problems would have been overcome some years ago, and free energy is one of the principle areas.
Without being able to introduce the technology that will solve many problems, the conditions worsen and become chaotic. The dark have taken advantage of these situations, and in creating need make you more dependent upon them. This, also, enables them to control the money markets in which they use their knowledge to "cream off" your wealth. All of this could have been totally changed if a different reality had been created. Sad to say, over millennia of time you have accepted domination by those who would lead for selfish reasons, and have established a hierarchy benefiting the privileged few.
So, many of you have recognised what has been taking place under your very noses. You have looked for a different way and found it in spiritual enlightenment, and helped create the new reality that has effectively lessened the power of the old. Once enlightened, and you see the world with a new pair of eyes, you can stand back and understand what is needed to bring change. What you cannot do without help is bring in the changes quickly enough so that they will remedy the situation. This is why the Hierarchy decided that the forces of Heaven would be placed before you, and the plan of the Creator would be helped to manifest for those who are desirous and ready for Ascension. In bygone times you have failed to achieve your potential, and each time a new cycle has commenced with, yet, another opportunity to try again.
There is no disgrace or failure connected with your choosing to reject the opportunity to ascend. You have Infinity in which to experience and you do so at your choice of speed. What is known is that every single soul will eventually achieve a higher consciousness and will come into the Light of the higher dimensions. The Universal Laws are based on love and the recognition that All are equal and One with God.
I am St Germain, and ask you to concentrate on the ultimate goal of Ascension. Leave the every day problems behind and know that soon they shall no more intrude into your life. You will reclaim that position of one who has sovereignty, and enjoy your freedom once more. I work behind the scenes, but, soon, I shall be openly amongst you. Go forward in strength and unyielding purpose, knowing you have great Beings of Love walking with you.
Thank you St. Germain
Mike Quinsey