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St. Germain 6.10.05

Through Mike Quinsey

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minati who dictate what you should be made known to you. More importantly, they decide what you should not know about and this is where your problem lies. For many decades you have been deceived and often fed outright lies, all to condition you so that you can be manipulated and kept in place.

In the circumstances, it has been left to many individuals to pursue their own line of investigation, and mainly through your Internet the findings can be made public. Fortunately there are always people even in high places that are not prepared to toe the line, and they will find ways of leaking information that is essential to your understanding of the truth. As you are aware, the difficulty in some areas such as politics is that you endanger yourself once you are seen to go against the establishment. Reputations have been reduced to tatters, and jobs have been lost because people have had the audacity to speak out.

It is regrettable that some of the professional bodies are amongst the most closeted and vociferous, when they turn upon their own. Fortunately you have free thinking people that will stand up for what they believe. Truth has a ring about it that speaks true when you hear it, and this is where your intuition plays a big part. You often speak of something “feeling” right and this is where an open mind is essential. Everyone is capable of having a bias for wanting a certain truth to confirm their own views and opinions. Certainly no one likes to be proved wrong about any of their pet beliefs. Yet, in this current period of great changes, the truth can no longer be hidden and it is important that you do have an open mind.

Now more than ever it is essential that you do take notice of what is being said, but allow yourself to question it and if need be read between the lines. The new energies that are grounding upon Earth are helping reveal the secrets held in the closet of the dark. No longer can they be brushed aside, and attempts to keep them concealed will eventually fail. There is much to come out, and a great deal of it will have to wait until the changes are underway. Some matters are no longer relevant, but in giving the truth, it will necessarily cover those areas that have been important to your development. It goes back into your ancient history, and will reveal how as a race you have been deliberately mislead and kept in the dark.

Your written history is but a pale reflection of the truth. A whole succession of events have been written to show them in the way it is preferred that you should remember them. You currently have your on going arguments about the reasons for the war on Iraq, and eventually attempts will be made to permanently hide the truth. Going back to an event that occurred in many of your life times at the close of World War 2, you will find that there is evidence that before the atomic bombs were dropped on Japan, they had offered to surrender. It was ignored because another agenda had already been prepared, and thousands upon thousands of people were killed or injured unnecessarily in appalling circumstances. Bringing such events nearer home, the attack on Pearl Harbor could have been prevented, but again it was allowed to happen so that an unpopular decision to take America into the war could be justified.

Dear Ones, all through your history you have been used and manipulated to satisfy the lust and greed of your leaders. You have had a whole era of nothing but frequent wars with the consequent high loss of life. Your history will try to glorify such wars and appeal to your patriotic feelings as a means of justifying them. Of course there have been times when everything else has failed to prevent one, and you have been forced to defend yourselves. This should be a last resort, and not as with Iraq a reason to start a war.

There are few disputes that cannot eventually be settled through diplomacy, but it requires goodwill on both sides. At present you have a leadership that is only interested in self aggrandizement and global domination. Where you are now, is a great challenge to those who oppose war and wish for peace amongst all men. The giants amongst men are rising up and making their voices heard, and even the closed media has to concede some space to these people. They are gathering support and so many of you are questioning the way in which you have been used. The more you talk amongst your selves, the more you will stimulate others to see beyond the official view of news and how it should be presented. You will begin to break out of the mould that has brainwashed you for eons of time. It is time to insist upon being told the truth.

I encourage you to look deeper into events that are now taking place in your lives. See the real motives that lie behind decisions that are made in your name. Demand the truth, and no more lies. Your voices carry power and no authorities like to be questioned, but if you persist you will enforce changes. I will use an expression that many use, and that is “it is time to stand up and be counted” and the more of you that band together, the stronger your voice will be and more difficult to ignore. Great help will accompany your efforts and we will back you and protect you in such important and necessary action. You will be instrumental in the removal of the dark and help those who have a more direct involvement. Success is to be yours and victory will be your prize.

I am St. Germain and see how close we are to achieving our goal. Once we do so, peace will descend upon Earth, and you will see how quickly people can come together in a common cause for good. The flag of freedom flies in the winds of change that are now bringing you release from the energies of the dark, that have held you back for so long. Be strong willed and the legions of Heaven will walk with you in great Love and Light.

Thank you St. Germain

Mike Quinsey

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