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Tele-communicated by Kara Kincannon

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you as team collectives joined forces with the one collective of the Law of One for implementing the many new co-creative systems and gifts to come into manifestation now.

Nothing will stop us and nothing or no seeming authorities will stop the announcement of NEARA! To the WORLD!! NOW!!

All seeming legal laws of seeming old world authorities have been exhausted and implemented. Mission accomplished there. Now what is left is the vision held by you and us as one collective to manifest in the here and now. This is the real power behind the true NESARA LAW ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE WORLD!! The power of One Voice joined in love and service will follow this announcement all the way through to completion!!

This Law of One I asked the "White knights to consider". This was done by a few and of course the others caused the sabotaging of the few. This allowed one more time for playing out this seeming sabotage as usual. We knew this had to play out this way and was allowed for the learning of all. Now this will not happen again. It is over. NESARA has been established by you as the next step in implementing the "Law of Love back to humanity.

America first and all over the world. This is happening now as we speak. Hold fast to this vision and this truth I share with you. Love the darkness with an open heart of compassion and forgiveness. Stop judging the old world and focus only on the new one you came to participate in. Stop replaying the old soap operas of the illuminati and what they do or don’t do. Focus only with the vision of what you all wish to see manifest - that being "NEARA NOW" - correct? This will de-fuse the Old World game much more quickly, dear ones. Stop the battles of dark and light within you; merge it all within the light of the Creator within your heart flame of the violet flame and I AM PRESENCE always!! This is a new story to tell. This is a BIG, BIG STORY to tell. Please know the Power of the "NESARA FREEDOM TRAIN" is moving in quantum leaps and bounds. Get on Board, all that wish to join. As for the other train, it is what you call a train wreck. Just a little humor here, my friends. Be courageous in your STAND!! We are ONE and STAND with you as WE together, all move with this NESARA FREEDOM TRAIN into the "White House".

I Am St. Germaine

Tele-communicated by: Kara Kincannon
