St. Germain: The Power In Suggestion
"When the student is strong enough to stand against the opinions of the world of ignorance, then he or sh is ready to bear witness to the marvels of the individual activities of God manifested by the Ascended Masters
"Until he can do this, the power in suggestion and the radiation of doubt from others will disturb him intermittently to such an extent that he many times gives up the quest for Truth. Interruption to the steady flow of instruction is discord. Discord is the wedge and subtle ways by which the sinister force on this earth enters the outer activity of a student who has determined to face The Light.
"Such activity is very subtle because it is a feeling and creeps in upon one before he is really aware of its existence. It is persistent beyond belief, and the growth so insidious that one does not realize what has been done and the momentum is already under way.
"This feeling begins as a slight doubt. A doubt need only be felt two or three times until it becomes distrust. Distrust whirls a time or two in the emotional body and becomes suspicion, and suspicion is self-distruction.
" Remember this, My Son, as you return again to the outer world, and you will find a safeguard that will carry you through every experience of Life, keeping you untouched by discord. If one sends out suspicion, he will be suspected, for everyone has in his world just exactly that which he puts into it, and this Eternal Irrevocable Decree exists throughout the Universe. All impulsesof consciousness travel back to th central point that sent them out; not even an atom escapes.
"The real student of Light faces the Light, send it before him, sees its Enfolding Radiance everywhere he moves, and adores it constantly. >From the doubt, fear suspicion, and ignorance of the human mind he turns away, and knows only The Light. This is His Source---His True Belief."
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