St Germain on Human Potential, 7th March 2005
By Mike Quinsey
I mention these aspects of your experimental work, only to illustrate how Man is not confined to the physical body. Indeed, your "out of the body travelers" have been around for quite a number of years and you have many reference books of their experiences. This alone should help to convince the doubters that you are not just your physical body. You also have numerous examples of out of the body experiences that have been accidentally induced by drugs. In hospitals this happens through the use of powerful anaesthetics, and many patients have found themselves looking down upon their bodies. Sometimes, shock can have the same effect, as you are literally shot out of your body. Sick people are prone to this experience, and also, those that are beginning to leave their bodies for their transition.
You can see that Humans are complex and have much more ability than they imagine. It is a matter of acknowledging your potential, and then you can learn how to use it. As with everything else, if you deny your potential you will erect a barrier that will prevent you from being able to invoke it.
Conversely, when you tell yourself you can do something particular, the will and determination build up, and confidence carries you forward. In some matters it is simply faith in yourself or others, but you can see how your attitude and approach are so important.
In spiritual matters the belief you have in your abilities is a great factor. It is no good telling yourself that you cannot do a certain thing. Take meditation for example, a very useful tool to not just help you relax, but to place you in a quiet period when you can successfully seek inner guidance. I have told you on numerous occasions how important such moments are to your well-being, and in the atmosphere you currently have upon your world, essential to enable you to shut it out. Whatever country you look at, the problems of trying to live a peaceful and fulfilling life have become more difficult. Conflict always seems to be just around the corner, and real peace is so elusive. The fact is that until the dark are removed, you will not find lasting peace. The dark are the force that loves to control and confuse you, to undermine your faith in freedom and justice, to keep you under their thumb. In those moments when you can shut off the outside world and enter your own, you can enjoy a most uplifting experience. There are many types of meditation available, so try them out and find the one that suits you. It does not need to be highly complicated, but first learn to relax and take it from there. If you are tired you may at first drop into a light sleep, but with practice you will find that you can hold your concentration.
Dear Ones, after the changes and when you are on the path to Ascension, you will be shown how to use, what are for many, latent skills. You will tend to take more control over yourself, and you will gradually be introduced to your real self. Every one of you has the potential to be a healer, and many of you heal without realising that you are doing it. You will develop your creative powers, so that they are consciously used in a controlled manner. You have so many abilities, just imagine how much you could do as a collective unit. There has always been power in numbers, and you shall learn how to utilise your power for the good of all.
I am St. Germain and I ready myself for a most wonderful gathering with you, and I salute your fortitude and drive that has brought you this far. The rest of the journey will be exciting and joyful, and we shall do it together. Take your strength from me, and hold your head up high. You are exceptional souls with your god-like potential. Take my Love, which I freely give you, and no one shall deflect you from your path.
Thank you St. Germain
Mike Quinsey