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St.Germain 02.18.05.

Through Mike Quinsey

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fully there has to be an understanding of what you are allowed to do, and what is not allowed. What you are free to do has to be defined to protect the individual. Here we come close to the definition of freedom, as it is to be able to indulge in what you desire that does not in anyway interfere or hurt another person. One, or more people consenting to take part in some activity are exercising that freedom of choice. As well as avoiding the intrusion into other peoples lives on a physical level. There is also the mental aspect to consider.

Even without physical involvement people can be offended in different ways. For example, you may believe that in the name of boxing, that two boxers are legally beating each other up, and that it should be banned, but for both the boxers and supporters, it is found perfectly acceptable and normally kept to the confines of a stadium. What would be an encroachment of another's freedom, is if the "sport" was forced upon others who did not want to watch it. You can go further and consider extremes such as pornographic films and photographs, which I do not approve of as they invite people to take part in abuse of the human body. It is a fact that often children are procured for such purposes, and this is an ungodly act that should not be tolerated. Children are meant to be protected by their family and elders, and the learning years have a deep impression upon them. They are precious to you, and their growing experiences often set the mould for the rest of their life.

I say again that you do not have the freedom to harm another life form. To take another's life in any circumstances is totally against your laws and Universal Law. The fact that you have another law that allows the taking of life as a punishment, does not in any way excuse or legalise such action. The thorny issue is over self defence, and allowance is made for harm caused to someone who is attempting violence against you. It is a matter of degree and whether you use unnecessary force, and that is difficult to define as the circumstances of each incident may vary considerably. You clearly have a right to defend yourself according to your Constitution.

Let me take the idea of freedom to a higher level, and look at the mind aspect. You are susceptible to suggestions and subliminal advertising, and your media can promote an idea so well, that in the end you can believe it was something you accepted of your own freewill. The media can present you with outright lies and false information, as you have witnessed in their support of the Iraq war. These are also actions that infringe your freedom, as you have a right to expect to be told the truth so that you can make up your own mind without undue influence. Freedom is very much entwined with your freewill, but both have been eroded to place you under more strict control.

Your Governments have used you for scientific and medical experiments without your permission. They have allowed harmful products to be sold to you without adequate warning as to the risk, and so it goes on with an unending catalogue of crimes against the people. Your drug companies are amongst the most guilty of those who in the interests of profit, will market products that are known to be harmful. You are stuck in a time warp where you are deliberately held back and denied those improvements to your life that would come from new inventions and ideas.. You also have the manipulation of the money markets, and your investments and the value of your monthly check are often subject to de-valuation due to fraudulent dealings. These are all actions that are taking place without any consideration to the affect and harm it causes. All is currently measured in terms of profit which is maintained at all costs.

There is and endless list of matters that need revising, and are the subject of our attention. When the last cabal is removed and peace declared, the whole structure of life will be examined and many changes will be made. These will encompass law, your financial institutions, medicine, your media and so forth. When you were told of the opportunity to reclaim your freedom, sovereignty and justice, this was no idle promise. True freedom will be returned as soon as possible, and will release you from the drudgery and restrictions that blight your life at present. It will be as though you have been given your wings, and you will eventually be free to travel where you like in search of knowledge and experience. These are the gifts of the Creator, that you should step into the new world that is manifesting around you now.

I am St.Germain and ask you to see beyond the daily happenings on Earth. Look to the future which is assured and begin to live it now. It will lift you up so that you may be able to distance yourself from the negative energies. Send your Love to all who are of the dark, as this is so important at this time. Light is needed in many areas, and your efforts will help to prevent matters going out of control. Your full power is unrealised by you, and together with other Lightworkers you are like a glorious sun sending out its healing energies. We Are One, and I Love you all and so shall it always be.

Thank you St. Germain

Mike Quinsey
