St. Germain 07.07.04.
Through Mike Quinsey
Upon Earth at this time, you are on the verge of re-claiming many of your powers, and this will largely come about through your Ascension. Your collective power is one to be reckoned with, and you are molding your future here and now. This is why we sometimes caution you to be careful with your thoughts. This is also why we say that you should only give thought to those things that are positive. Focus on all that is good, and know that what you aspire to be you will come to be. There are immutable laws that cover such things, whether you are totally aware of them or not. Look around you to see how like kinds always seem to gravitate together. And this is how it really is as you move up through the higher dimensions. As a positive Being you will find yourself becoming part of a group consciousness, but nevertheless retaining your individual identity. This is simply a reflection of the Oneness that only exists in the totality within the Godhead. You are slowly being drawn back!
to your true reality, and it is a natural impulse within you as you seek to go home . Meantime you struggle to manifest the Light upon Earth, yet it is growing quite quickly. If only you could see the results of your efforts, you have already created a powerful grid both on and around it, and it is now effectively manifesting higher dimensional energies. In the midst of the battle for supremacy between the dark and the Light, you have achieved the most wonderful results. And you are assured of Ascension, and earnt the right to soon bring it into manifestation.
As you regain your consciousness, your concepts of what is Truth will change. Gradually it will become a more inward knowing, and you will find that the answers are within, rather than without. Of course you need help and guidance at this time, when so much is unravelling that has held you back. Even with the best will you have been unable to avoid living half-truths, as those who would prefer to see you stagnate have done all in their power to prevent you from finding the full Truth. But that is already changing, and many of you have risen above the negativity to find your own power and path to it. You have become your own person, no longer relying on others for your spiritual evolution. This is how it should be, as you create a clear path of understanding with your Higher Self. You have all knowledge within, but for the moment very few of you realise it. Share your thoughts with each other, and you will soon find the immense wisdom that can come from the depths of your minds.
For a long time you have needed someone to hold your hand and guide you, but now it is time for you to show that you can take the mantle of responsibility for your own evolution. Set your sights upon the gifts of the Creator God that are coming to Earth very soon, these are symbolic of everything that you should become now, and will be in the immediate future. However, what happens over the next few years as wondrous as it will be, will pass into insignificance compared to the great leap forward that you are going to make through the opportunity of Ascension.
Do not doubt that you are witnessing some of the most amazing events that have happened upon Earth for millennia of time. It is time to claim your sovereign right to freedom, a right that is God given and cannot be kept away from you any longer. The Brotherhood of Light stands by to ensure your victory, and greets you with open arms. There will be a great coming together and the heavens will resound with joy and happiness, pouring out their Love and Light upon you all.
I am St.Germain come again to lift your hearts, mind and spirit.
Thank you St. Germain
Mike Quinsey