St. Germain - Cosmic Symposium - 1980
- El Morya, administrator of Divine Will and Power;
- Archangel Michael, the Archangel of Protection, Governor of this Solar System;
- St Germain, benefactor to humanity, of the Great Karmic Board;
- Lord Maitreya, the Voice of the Great Cosmic Government, of the Great Central Sun;
- Hilarion, Companion of the Great Ones who invoke the coming of Light and who work together in the protection of thought in the manifestation of the Green Ray of Life upon the planet Earth, in the Great Hall of his Temple in his Emerald City.
- ESU, on Celestial levels, and known on Earth as Jesus the Christ, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life;
- Nada, participating coordinator of Divine Plans to ease the burden of planetary changes as much as possible under Universal Law; of the Great Karmic Board;
- Lady Master Rowena, who was known on Earth as Evangeline Adams, a master of Astrology;
- Hermes, who brought to Earth the Foundation of the Ancient Wisdom in all the Mystery Schools since the beginning of time, a Master and Teacher of Universal Wisdom;
- Zoser, who was the first builder of the Pyramid in our dimension, Master of Healing, a teacher of healing and pyramidology;
- Melchior, who served humanity in being instrumental in presenting to the planet many new discoveries, a Master of Alchemy and Science;
- Ascended Lady Master Venus, who sends to women emanations of strength and love, the Divine Compliment of Sanat Kumara, Lord of the Planet Venus.
This section begins with 'The Ashtar Command Communique' sent to Planet Earth by the Members of the Ashtar Command;
- Commander Soltec, Space Scientist and Sun Technician, of the Space Federation;
- Commander Korton, Master of Space Communications from KOR, the communications center;
- Matton, Space Master responsible for the coordination of the Volunteers, of the Space Program to Planet Earth;
- Philip the Apostle of Jesus, who manifests himself in the planetary identity in the vibration of the memory of that lifetime which he shared with Tuella as one of his daughters, a member of the Saturnian Council;
- Klala, Space Commander and Master of Dynamics of energy and force, a messenger for the Alliance of Galaxies of Outer Space;
- Kadar Monka, Protector and Representative of Earth at the Great Tribunals, promoter of the link up between souls on Earth and our Space Friends who serve as intermediaries between Earth and The Higher Councils.
- Paul the Venetian, from out of the flowing spiral of the pink ray of Divine Love;
- Space Master and Commander Athena, who serves at the great control board of the mother ship of the Ashtar Command;
- Arcturus, Lord of the planet of the same name, on behalf of the Alliance and the Brotherhood of Interplanetary Fellowship;
- James, Apostle and brother of Jesus, who now serves the Light upon the planet of his world as Teacher;
- Hatonn, Teacher and Master of the Higher Worlds, on plans for eventual mass evacuation;
- Lord Kuthumi, sponsor of the Cosmic Symposium, in his identity as The Apostle John;
- Lord Ashtar, of the Galactic Command, delivered the final words of the Cosmic Symposium.
[ This source of information is derived form the book : "Cosmic Prophecies for the Year 2000", compiled through TUELLA. Copyright 1994: Inner Light Publications, Box 753, New Brunswick, NJ 08903 U.S.A.]
This is a set of quotations from the text of Ascended Master St Germain's contribution:
"I greet you in the flame of my being. I am known as St Germain on planetary levels, and Elihu in celestial realms. I place my blessing upon this volume foursquare, sent forth by the Brotherhood, under the sponsoring of my friend Kuthumi, World Teacher. It is my privilege to have been given this opportunity to speak.
"We of the Great Karmic Board have much to deliberate concerning the coming decade for the world. All things progress under Divine Will. Some things are permitted, others are ordained to be. There is an unbalanced ledger in the name of this nation which cannot be tampered with.
"The listening angels and the angel with writer's inkhorn by his side, fail not to tally every intention and provocation of the human heart. Souls cluster in groups, around an ideology or a principle, and become nations. As nations, their group karma for good or ill, is registered in the great heavenly records. America has accumulated great good through many centuries of benevolence towards all, with a friendliness, and an inclination toward the ongoing Light of God and the principles of freedom.
"In a broad aspect these principles have been maintained and upheld. But in the last two decades, there has been an alarming trend away from those principles instituted by the founders of America. Questionable alliances have been encouraged.
"The foundation of the currency has been allowed to flow into dangerous shoals of threatening shipwreck of the economy. Hidden malignant forces have been permitted to seize inner control of the government.
"The principles under God that made this nation an instrument of Light, have suffered at the hands of infiltrators who have betrayed the spirit of the true American heritage. The watchmen have slept at their post and the guardsmen have winked their eye, but the hand of the angel with the writer's inkhorn by his side, writes on.
".... the hearts of the citizens shall be united in the manifestation of brotherly love and goodwill. The birth pangs of a New Age will bring a moment of travail, it is true, but that travail shall soon be forgotten in the joy of a New World in all of its beauty.
"My electronic presence is beside those who read my words.
"Call upon the transmuting violet flame in cleansing action to perpetuate the purification of your environment and your world.