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St. Germain: America, Earth Birth, Desire, Magnificent I AM Prayer, Perfection


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h, those who represent God's Government in the United States of America shall return to the dignity and the honor of Washington! ..."

The Magic Presence - "I AM" BOOK Series


"This is a chemists' laboratory," He explained "in which the Great Master Chemists have been working for the past 50 years---perfecting formulas for the protection of America in the next and final crisis of Her experience. After this crisis Her people will be taught the use of the Universal Energy for Light, Heat and Power. This will come forth in still greater perfection than has ever been known in any previous age." (1932)


"By calling into the outer activity of the mind that which has been attained in previous lives and adding to this the greater and simpler Perfection of the future, those doing this work are preparing Wonders and Blessings untold for America, Her people and through Her, for the world. During the next seventy years America and Her people will scarcely recognize themselves, as they look back upon their limited activities of today. (1932)

St. Germain - Earth Birth!!

The Magic Presence - "I AM" BOOK Series

PAGE 177

"The Earth is passing through the throes of a tremendous new birth, and in the few years just ahead will be in a transition period. It is changing now in a Cosmic Way---from the attitude of war into that of Peace, from hatred to Love, from selfishness to unselfishness---and into the full recognition that in the future the people must exert strength enough to live according to the Law of Love.

"The hour strikes in the evolution of every plant and its humanity when they must express the Full Peace, Harmony, Perfection, and the Divine Plan of the System to which they belong. When that hour strikes, humanity either moves forward and fulfills God's Plan, or whatever portion will not come into alignment with the new activity removes itself to another schoolroom of the Universe---until those personalities learn obedience to Life"

St. Germain - DESIRE

The Magic Presence - "I AM" BOOK Series

PAGE 115

"There is one point that Real Students and those who wish attainment should know unmistakenly, and that is concerning desire. No one can ever attain Mastery over human creation and gain the Ascension by an attitude of desirelessness, because without desire for attainment, attainment would not be possible. Remember forever that all Constructive Desire is God in Action in you; for if desire were not within the God Principle, manifestation would never have taken place. Until the Godhead desired manifestation, it could not come forth.

"The activity of desire is the forward-moving, or expanding motion of Life Itself, and can never be dispersed with. Life is Perpetual Motion, and the maintaining of that Activity is all Constructive Desire.

However, be careful that you discriminate between desire and human appetite, for they are as far apart as Light and darkness. Appetite is but an accumulation of energy qualified by human feeling through the formation of habit in the sense organism only, and has nothing whatsoever to do with desire within God's Life, for all that abides within Life is Pure, Perfect, and Constructive. Constructive Desire is eternally existent within Life. It is impossible to progress or express Life without some form of desire."

PAGE 117

"Everyone knows the difference between a Constructive and destructive idea, and the difference between the feeling of Love, Peace, and Calm, and that of discord. So the simplest mind, even a child, innately knows the difference between the Divine Way of Life, a God Desire, and the human appetite for self-gratification. We are commanded to choose the Divine Way of Life, and if we do not compel the sense appetites to obey that Command, then we must suffer, experiencing chaos and destruction until we set our own world in order so it blends with the Great, Orderly, Harmonious Movement of the Whole. Purity, Order and Harmony are the Law of Perfection forever.

"When one wishes to give way to his own feeling of resistance rather than still that feeling and replace it by Peace, he destroys himself---mind, body and world---because the Law is that whatever discordant thought and feeling is sent forth by a human being, it first must vibrate through the brain and the body of the sender before it can reach into the rest of the Universe. After swinging out, it begins the return journey to its Creator. While coming back, it gathers more of its kind, and that becomes the accretion, of which the individual's world is composed. This is The Law, and it is Immutable."

***This excerpt is barely touching the immense wisdom revealed within this volume of 400 dynamic pages!! OBTAIN THIS UTTERLY THRILLING, GRAND, AVENTURE-FILLED BOOK FROM: or (800) 662-2800

Magnificent I AM Prayer

***When Global Light Network (GLN) was founded, we used this prayer below as an official GLN company prayer!! I have listened to this prayer on a self-made audio tape, or uttered this prayer verbally now each day for the past TWO YEARS---(from one to 3 times DAILY)---and it has been my eternal and joyful "guiding light" -- and continues to be daily, so I am SHARING it with you.

***This prayer is especially pertinent NOW, after discovering and reading the so very, very DYNAMIC St. Germain "I AM" teachings (which were also the teachings of the Ascended Master Jesus the Christ).

***"I AM the open door which no man can shut."

***"I AM the resurrection and the life." We are ALL so richly blessed!!

***NESARA is getting closer by the HOUR (SMILE).

Bless your heart. I AM, Michael

Magnificent I AM Prayer

To the Great I AM, I am pledged this day to carry forward the Plan of Light Descending Upon the Earth Planes. To the Master of ALL, the Creator of ALL within and beyond my human perception, I am Thy Servant. In the Name of Love, in the Pursuit of Oneness, I give my Self over to this Mission---for Light and Love to Descend Unto the Human Planes of Existence - illuminating and cleansing for release that which must be purged before the return of the Christ in consciousness and form. I am a Member of Legions of Light. I AM a Lotus in Heart Center of ALL. I AM a fragrant petal of Living Light. I AM a servant, a teacher, a student. I dedicate myself this day to bringing Light and Love to ALL things - material or translucent, invisible, or not. I AM a Child of Light. I AM Love.

The Great Armies of God, the Great I AM are with me as I walk the way of humanity. The Light of Mother/Father God, the Holy Spirit blesses me in each breath at each moment. The Angels of Light and Mercy follow me, protect me and hold me as I move in the Great Being of ALL. I am protected.

I see no evil - for it cannot exist in the I AM's radiant Light. I feel no error of purpose for I am anchored in the Will of the Great I AM. I sense no threat for there can be no detour to the Lighted Way of the One. I am housed in God's Great Heart. My abundance is beyond all things imaginable. My health is God's Health. My strength is God's Strength. My Love is God's Love. I AM resident in the I AM. I am that which has no name. I am that which has no home. I am that which walks the earth spreading Light and Joy and Laughter. I am God for God lives in and through me. My Heart is God's Heart. My Mind is God's Mind. I am directed in ALL things. I am at One with God's Will for Humanity, for Planet Earth, for This Universe in this place and in this time. I AM THAT I AM!!

* * * * * * *

Beloved Saint Germain - Seeking PERFECTION



"Every individual can think Perfection at every instant, if he only will, and it takes no more substance and energy to build Beautiful Perfect Forms and Experience than it does the imperfect; but if the individual wants this Perfection expressed in his own world, he must use his own energy to utter the Decree which will release that Perfection unto him. Such is the Law of Being, and nothing can change it!"


"Divine Thoughts, Divine Feeling, Divine Qualities, Divine Ideals, can only be found by thinking upon Divinity, for they do not exist nor abide anywhere else, and like produces like throughout Infinity. Divinity is the Light and the Perfection of Life."

PAGE 168

"...the Only True Service is to understand and use Perfect Divine Order the Mighty Energy of God within and about you. To consciously direct this perfectly is the only important activity in your lives. All else is secondary."

PAGE 308

"...if the individual considers the Perfect Balance and makes his Decree include the whole instead of only a part of his universe, he will only follow his Acknowledgement of the 'I AM Presence' and the release of It's Power by Decrees that maintain the Perfect Balance. Any decree of Life that accepts less than Limitless Perfection is not the Plan of God and will continue to destroy the forms in which it is focused until the Decree of Full Perfection is expressed. When the student understands this, he will keep joyously radiant and firmly conscious of only his 'Mighty I AM Presence, 'never allowing his spoken word to go forth decreeing anything less than the Perfection of Life."

PAGE 176

"The Paramount Command of the Eternal is: "Be ye Perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is Perfect."

***This excerpt is barely touching the immense wisdom revealed within this volume of 400 dynamic pages!! OBTAIN THIS UTTERLY THRILLING, GRAND, AVENTURE-FILLED BOOK FROM: or (800) 662-2800
