St. Germain via Mike Quinsey 02.25.05
Through Mike Quinsey
Life can become a continual state of meditation, and you will have no difficulty in identifying your ordained path. Many of you have a definite idea of where you fit into the changes, and are already operating as fully fledged Lightworkers. Others are still seeking their path with that inner feeling of knowing they should be active, but unsure in which particular way. I would say to you that when you are needed you will be in doubt as to where you fit in. The important thing is that you are projecting the wish to join in, and the opportunity to do so will find you if necessary. The whole atmosphere is one of high expectancy, and of course if you are aware of the "soon to come" announcements, you will know that much work will take place. There is only a short time to pass before massive changes come upon you all, and as a result your communities will need many able hands. We know of your individual capabilities and you will be used accordingly, but if necessary be prepared to help in any direction.
Do you sometimes start the day feeling as though you already know it is going to be a good one, and feel at ease and as though you do not have a care in the world? I would suggest to you that when you have gone out of your body during your sleep state, you have met with your guides. You have discussed some matters that have related to your earthly happenings, and these have given you great satisfaction. It may not have necessarily related to the next day in your life, it might be an event that is some way off. But it has provided you with a sense of happiness knowing that all is well, and you carry this feeling with you for quite a while. Many problems are sorted out in this way, not always as you would necessarily wish, but in a way that is best for you or any other person involved. "Sleep on it" is an expression that is so apt, and perhaps you can see now why it is sensible to do so. In life, the answer is often not to try and force things to happen, allow for events to occur and see if there is a message in them for you. Be ready to grasp an opportunity to go forward, sometimes it might be under your nose and yet you can still miss it.
As you might expect, in these end times the Law of Karma can be almost instantaneous. There is no longer the opportunity to put it off and leave it for some future life opportunity. This is in your interest, as you will need to have been cleared of all Karma before progressing to Ascension. You cannot take it with you, and in some instances it will be forgiven under the Law of Grace. It is for these reasons that many people have so far had a really up and down life, with so many things happening to them. It is just the time you are in, and cleansing is something that applies all round. All is to be renewed and unless it can exist in the higher vibrations it will removed. Many of you are experiencing a personal cleansing, and it can be quite debilitating and tiring. It has to be carried out as part of your preparations to enter the higher vibrations.
I am St.Germain and I tell you that you certainly are warriors in your own way. I admire your strength and resolve to keep battling on regardless of the difficulties you encounter. Dear Ones, call on me for extra strength when the going gets tough, I will be there to support you. Also remember you have willing Angelic helpers who can perform miracles if necessary.
Thank you St.Germain
Mike Quinsey