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St. Germain 17.07.04

Through Mike Quinsey

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uit of food satisfaction, and then wonder why they are not feeling in the best of health. You would expect me to guide you onto a path that was going to help your spiritual evolution, and might be surprised that I am also interested in your physical side. Your concern should be about bringing your spiritual, mental and physical bodies together in harmony and balance. It is commendable to try to live your spirituality through your understanding of what is required of you to make progress, and bring enlightenment to yourself, but if you wish to continue bringing even more Light to yourself, you will have to consider your mental and physical bodies also.

Your physical body is a marvel of creation; it is an intricate assembly of different chemical and electrical processes that ensure it functions like a well-oiled machine. Look after it and it will serve efficiently for all of your lifetime. Ignore its requirements, and you face perpetual health problems. The collapse of one or more of your glands may take place, and even more serious illnesses the result. Your food industry promotes foodstuffs that are convenience foods, and these are usually adulterated with large amounts of chemicals that leave your body in an imbalance. Advertising plays on your sense of color, and clever packaging and artificial flavours have you hooked. Now I am not going to moralise on what you should put into your body, but the fact remains that if you are wishing to purify both your spiritual and physical bodies, you must look at what you consume and its affect on you. Some chemicals you ingest also have an effect that can cause personality changes, resulting in aggressive and unsocial behaviour. Meat eating will always be a bone of contention, but even here it is a matter of balance. Some of you naturally require a meat intake and cannot for the moment do without it, and in those circumstances it would be unwise to try and do so. This is about the level of vibration that your food gives you, and in the scale of it, meat is one of those foodstuffs that is very low. The more you intake of such food, it sets the vibration of your body accordingly. What you should be looking for are foodstuffs that raise your vibrations, and keep your body healthy and clean. Not only will this benefit your spiritual aspirations, but also you will feel good and vibrant along with it. You will even look good, and your energy levels will be high and not depleted. This is important for Lightworkers if they wish to give of their best, and particularly those of you who are Healers. What you should be looking at is ways in which you can take as many fresh foods as possible, and a good percentage of raw fruit and vegetables. In this way, you will absorb the maximum amount of energy into your body, and this is of course most beneficial to you. You need to eat to restore and maintain your energy levels, and your intake does not need to be excessive. It is a matter of quality rather than quantity.

I will leave you with these thoughts, as for anyone striving to prepare themselves for the period leading up to Ascension, they will no doubt be looking to make ready in every way possible, and so ’lighten’ their bodies. You will find that as you do so, you not only require less food, but your appetite will be more easily satisfied. You will almost subconsciously gravitate to those foods that are healthier for you, and if you listen to your body, it will let you know what is doing you the most good. Even your aging process is to some degree determined by what you eat. There is truth in the maxim, that ‘you are what you eat’ and if you have not really thought about it, perhaps you can begin to see why it is so.

In the higher dimensions we have no need to eat, as we are in Light bodies and can re-energise ourselves whenever we feel the need. This also means that we do not need to rest to re-energise in the way that you presently need to do. Yes, we can so to say drink fluids that are very pleasant and also give us energy. At different levels of existence, your needs will vary and that includes your Summerland, where you have sufficient power of thought to create whatever you fancy, when you get the earthly pangs for food and drink. This is largely out of habit, and being able to have familiar foods makes you feel more at home.

Once the changes that are about to happen on Earth make their impact, you will have a lot of new ideas put to you. A totally new way of life beckons that will see you treading the path to a different reality. The changes will come quickly, but not forced upon you. If you wish to continue as before that will be your choice and it will be respected. For those who want to be ready and fully prepared there are many ways to do that. I can tell you that it is wonderful to feel free of the weight of the physical body, and the restrictions that you experience. It is well worth the effort to start building a new one now.

I am St. Germain and enjoy giving you a helping hand at such a joyous time. We are pouring out our Love to all upon Earth. We make no exception. You are One with Us as we are with you.

Thank you St.Germain

Mike Quinsey
