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St. Germain 11.21.05

Through Mike Quinsey

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gies of war are being dissipated until they no longer hold sway over the people.

What you have achieved is no mean task, as you have had to clear negative energies that have built up over centuries of time. Energies that have been so powerful that they have become grounded and consistently invade your thoughts. Of course there are still many who prefer to dominate others and have no desire to change, and would use force to achieve their goals. However, these days are rapidly ending even although the signs are not necessarily apparent.

Humanity is beginning to speak with one voice in its demand for peace. The death and destruction brought upon Man by Man is to be consigned to the history books, now the people that are to lead you out of the past are emerging and ready to seize their chance. War and peace have been something of a game that has had no obvious ending written into it, and you have continually lurched backwards and forwards. There has never been a true commitment to keep forces and weapons purely for defensive purposes. Without exception every country thus equipped has always sought opportunism to subdue or threaten others for personal gain.

When have you ever been encouraged to really believe that “In God We Trust” is your pathway to peace? How could you believe it when religion has taught that your God favors some in preference to others, that God quite readily labels some as your enemies, and commands you to destroy them. Indeed, many have fought wars to prove that their God is superior to another. Can you not see how blasphemous this is, to depict the God of all Love as One who condones the killing of his own creations? How many times have people fought believing that they had some superior right to win? How many times have they lost, yet not understood that the God they pray to is purely one of their own making.

Humanity may claim not to have been responsible for having been mis-guided, and that they followed those who promoted themselves to places of leadership. In this there is some truth, but how many times do you have to partake in the futility of war to see the truth for yourself? What is happening today in Iraq is no different to the Second World War, where your young men are killing indiscriminately. Civilians who are no part of the war machine die every day, and the pointless taking of life continues unabated. Is it no wonder that even those who are trained in the art of war are sickened at the continual carnage.

War is a great opportunity to learn the truth about yourself. You do not need to take part, but in the safety of your home do you advocate war and turn a blind eye to death and the atrocities that daily take place. If so, you are as guilty as those who carry out the deeds that result in death and destruction. Do you realize that you create your own pathway, and where your thinking is in error you will keep experiencing the results of it until you can discard it. In the past you have many times entered life when periods of war have been taking place. It has been your choice through your actions and thoughts, and you have attracted karma that has kept in this repetitive cycle.

Life in duality is an ongoing lesson that is a never ending experience, although you are now preparing to leave it as it is time to move on. At present the last opportunities are presenting themselves for people to break out of the cycle of continual wars. Why is it that many of your troops are contemplating acts that would normally mark them as treasonous? It is because they no longer accept that there is an enemy that threatens them, and the Oneness of Humanity is beginning to impinge upon their consciousness. Oh yes, some are professional assassins and enjoy their role, and for them there is self acclaimed glory and distinction in what they do. They have yet to find that love and compassion that lies within the heart of every soul.

There is a new energy that is paving the way to peace, and it is seeking out the dark and breaking its hold upon the people. No longer will those who use force find the support and unquestioning loyalty that they need to perpetuate their deeds. The “mission” has reached its conclusion, and if those in power will not change their policies they will find it forced upon them. A new Light is settling upon the Earth and there is no longer a place for the machinations, death and destruction of war. The people have spoken, and the people are taking action, and they are soon to celebrate their victory. They will not be denied and Heaven blesses their action, and will ensure that their success brings peace to Earth.

I am St. Germain and I have always known that the impetus for achieving peace would come from you. It must be by your hand that it is achieved, as there would be little value if it was forced upon you. However, once you have brought the changes into being you will be fully supported by the legions from Heaven, and there will be no going back to the old ways. It is time for those of the Light to take charge of the Earth and many are posed to take up their new roles.

Take no notice of the rhetoric and threats that will signal the end of the last cabal. They are in their death throes and about to be removed. Many paths are leading to the final act and they shall not be diverted by any action of the dark. Much Light is continually needed to keep calmness among you, but I know that the Lightworkers are dedicated to their work and shall not fail. The seasonal celebrations that are fast approaching may yet have a special significance this year. Keep you focus steady and know that we are sending you so much Love, and together we shall march arm in arm in great joy and happiness in the victory parade.

Thank you St. Germain.

Mike Quinsey.
