St. Germain 05.27.05
Through Mike Quinsey
The transition from one state to another was never going to be achieved over night. You are looking at the conditioning of the human mind to believe that you should expect no better than what you have now. The fall into the lower vibrations was inevitable, and it was beyond your power to prevent it, and on another level it was expected because this was the challenge that you hard already accepted. Some people are still held down to the extent that they cannot recognize or understand the reality of their position. Yet, there is an inner understanding that nudges you onwards to accept the new concept of Man’s relationship to each other.
The most difficult aspect to change is the ego that cannot see that we are all one, that when stripped of our outer covering we are all the same in essence. The feeling of superiority is fueled by misconceptions that have existed for eons of time. The emphasis has been on the differences between you rather than the common ground. As you have entered the more recent period so the focus has been on personal wealth and materialism, rather than shared benefits. Many profess to be ultra religious, yet lose sight of the greatest teachings that talk of treating your brother as yourself. They talk of love and measure it out according to their whims and fancies. The love taught by the great teachers was demonstrated by them, and lived by them as an example to everyone else.
Love is the energy that is moving the world into the next phase of your journey. It must however be given without fear or favor. It is your natural instinct to do so, yet, many hold back because of those differences that categorize people into groups that are labeled accordingly. Everybody is worth loving, everybody needs love, and if it was given freely you would see a marked change in society. You can ignore the devious ways in which your dark leaders promote the ideas of the supposed differences between you. They have produced a society that is at odds with itself, and designate different groups that according to their labels are despised or treated as inferior. Yet, it is the dark that have promoted the differences with their often brutal approach and uncaring attitudes. The ills of society such as drugs, drink and violence are allowed to fester, and the chaos and disruption is used as a means to introduce draconian laws.
Where is there evidence of a loving approach to the problems that exist? Of course some of you work this way, but unfortunately you are in the minority and you get little assistance from the authorities. There has to be a drastic change in people’s attitude to each other if you are to live together in harmony. It can be done, but a great deal of goodwill is required. Left to your own devices it is apparent that it would take so long for any real impression to be made. This is where the higher vibrations are having an affect as they raise the consciousness upon Earth.
The difficulty however still remains, that while the dark are promoting ways and methods of keeping you under their strict control, your freedom to act is being curtailed. Indeed, the changes to laws that would appear to offer you protection are effectively making you a prisoner in your own country. You have to break free from the lower vibrations that are beginning to have a stranglehold upon so many people. You cannot do this alone, and this is why the plans have already been made to bring a halt to the way that the dark are imposing their will. Everywhere people are crying out for peace, and to be lifted up out of the misery perpetuated over centuries of oppression. They have had enough, and know that there is a better way to find peace and harmony, and live without fear and in the lack created by their rulers.
We have said many times that the resources of the world are sufficient for each and everyone to have a comfortable existence. The present conditions will soon change, and exploitation and oppression will become a thing of the past. Everyone has it in them to become loving beings, but many have lost their way and become attracted by the glitter of materialism. This has made them selfish and greedy, and it feeds the ego that pushes the real self into the background. Everyone has a dream of living a happy creative life without worry and stress, and that is how it should be and will be soon.
Dear Ones, the whole purpose of the changes that you are waiting for, is to bring into being those conditions that will lead to the realization of
your wishes. Not only that, you cannot commence to prepare for Ascension while the dark remain in charge, and this is why they have to be removed. The lessons of duality have finished, and what you now experience is the transition period that we shall endeavor to keep as short as possible. Once we are able to start, the changes will come quickly and in a remarkably short time. No changes are without a certain amount of upheaval, but this will be an occasion when you shall find a lot of enjoyment and satisfaction as it is carried out.
I am St. Germain and I remind you of what it is we are trying to achieve, and how much we rely on your input. We are crossing the finishing line, and working together is our strength. I express my deep felt love for you all. You are truly wondrous souls.
Thank you St. Germain
Mike Quinsey
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