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St. Germain via Mike Quinsey 03.09.05.

By Mike Quinsey

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physical bodies. Such people are trapped in lust for their earthly pleasures, and give no time to seek the reason why they are here, or why they exist at all. Subconsciously they know that once they find the truth of their being, there is no going back. You cannot in truth disregard your essence, your Godself, once that realization has surfaced. Oh yes, people try and “tomorrow” is always the day they propose to put their life in order. I tell those of you who should chance to read this message, that tomorrow may be too late. No longer can one sit on the fence, decision time is here and if you have the slightest urge to follow others on the path to Ascension, get going now and delay no longer. I accept that freewill is being exercised by you all, and it will be honored. You are being offered the golden chance to finish your physical incarnations here and now. As attractive as the idea is to stay connected with Earth, there are far greater joys and happiness to be had by moving into the higher dimensions. Those who continue to play their earthly games only gain a fleeting moment of pleasure, it does not last and this is why they keep repeating their actions. On a certain level the Earth can be seen as a wondrous place, a reflection of the beauty and variety in the Creator’s eye. On even higher levels, that beauty is constant and ever expanding into dimensions of pure light. Do not be seduced by the attraction of physical pleasure, it is hardly compensating for all of the earthly pain. Look at what is on offer when you raise your vibrations, something that many have already achieved still on Earth. By bringing harmony to yourself, and controlling your emotions so as to eliminate negative energies, you also bring about a renewal of your body cells. This enables you to enjoy the good health it brings, and a wonderful feeling of peace and contentment.

From the spiritual realms, it has never been taught that you have to give up enjoying yourself to evolve. Of course you are encouraged to participate in the higher activities of life, and aspire to those things that are going to lift you up. Your body is a living temple that many abuse with obvious consequences. It has to be looked after in every way as you would your own home. Indeed, it requires more, as it is also your physical vehicle for the expression of your movement and travels. Treat your body with care and reverence, it has a total consciousness of its own that will re-act to your input. We often point out the need for you to be careful where your thoughts and actions are concerned. They must be of the highest order, as if they are consistently negative there will be an effect on your body. The response at some stage will be the onset of illness, even mental problems and this is the body’s way of pulling you up. You talk about burning the candle at both ends, but whilst it may seem fun the effect will eventually catch up with you. Life is about taking responsibility for yourself, and not expecting everyone else to do that for you. I do not mean that it is wrong to accept charity when you are in need. I am referring to the need to take your place in society so that you may make a useful contribution to it. Whatever life plan you brought with you, in the ultimate you will find that it was you and no one else who made the decisions as to how it worked out. Think about your life as it stands now, do you feel unfulfilled in spite of doing your own thing? Are you lost as to the purpose of your life, can you see where it is going? Take a second look at yourself, because you need to make a move soon if you have any aspirations to leave this Earth cycle. You alone can change the pattern of your life, and as soon as you make that all important decision, you will be guided to a different path that will point to a new reality, the choice is yours alone.

Dear Ones, most of you are already positive in your minds as to where you are going. Your daily life is a living prayer, that leads you ever onwards to a greater reality. You have chosen, and so you shall reap the grand reward for your efforts. It only remains to keep your goal continually in focus, and not be deterred or distracted by all that is around you. You have come into your own so wonderfully well, and you do good work that collectively continues to lift the vibration of Earth.

I am St. Germain, and I commend you all who aspire to Ascension, and assure you that you have already made your place. I Love you all and support you fully in the final stages of your quest for truth and upliftment.

Thank you St. Germain

Mike Quinsey
