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St. Germain 07.19.05

Through Mike Quinsey

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ey are losing their grip. What a new experience for them to live in fear as they no longer know who are their true supporters. Many who were considered supportive of their aims are turning away at a time when they badly needed them.

The dark are becoming vulnerable to all of the facts that are being revealed about their true agenda and covert operations. It is being realized that their actions over many years have gone against the principles established in your Constitution. Just in time there has been an awakening to the gradual erosion of your rights and civil liberties. This strikes at the hearts of everyone who values their freedom and sovereignty.

The truth is now spreading fast thanks to many stalwarts who have stuck their heads out at some personal risk. It now reaches far and wide and is beyond the control of those who wish to curtail it. News does travel fast, particularly through the Internet and Email connection. There will always be attempts by the dark to cause confusion by spreading false information, but usually your intuition will determine those to be ignored. If it does not ring true, put it aside and if need be come back to it later. These are all areas of confrontation, as part of the battle is for peoples minds, and there is nothing like a good dose of confusion to cause people to lose interest.

This is however one battle that you must win, and providing the communication channels are kept open you will have no problems. There are moves to control the Internet, but any real developments are far away. These are the forms of communication that must be kept open and maintained as a foundation for free speech. You will not truly be free until the benefits of First Contact and NESARA are put into being, and they will be definite and sure in their aims to re-structure society based on the original Constitution. This will just be the start of massive changes for the good of all. Even many of those who were not of the Light and are known for what they were, will take their place amongst the ranks of the Lightworkers.

You must allow for people to be converted to the Light, and trust will be a quality that will be most essential. It would be easy to label people as unworthy, but when they have a genuine desire to overcome their darkness, they need a helping hand. This is what life is all about, and that ideal never changes even as you continue to move onwards. Indeed, as you move into the higher dimensions as great as some Beings are, they have the humility and grace to lift others up to them. You have not really experienced true friendship such as I refer to which is one of great love and caring. The dear one's who are coming to Earth are very much of this kind, and you will soon experience their love firsthand. Nothing is ever too much for these members of the Galactic Federation who are dedicated to the upliftment of others.

As the energies of change become more powerful, so the dark will become more desperate as their dream is shattered. Just remember that out of the chaos a new era is being born and like some births, it can be difficult and painful. Do not be too concerned at the manner in which some souls leave the Earth, because as strange as it may seem many are pleased to end their time now regardless of the circumstances. They perform a great service for mankind, and you may be assured that they are released from any emotional trauma. Often their lot in life has been hard and their release is welcomed by them.

What a transition you are all in line for, because every one of you will be moving forward. There may be different degrees of advancement, but all will have progressed through their experiences in the cycle of duality. Absolutely nothing is without some value in the school of learning, and all who leave the Earth will benefit. You must also bear in mind that everyone has chosen the path they will move on to, and that choice has to be honored. You cannot know the reasons for individual choice, but be certain that it is in accordance with their needs.

When you appraise the path your friends or loved ones are likely to make, simply remember that their path just like yours is unique. Oh yes, you may have the same goals just now, but all of the time you are adjusting your sight on the greater one that leads to the Godhead. Lead your life into this last period knowing that it is an illusion and one you are beginning to see through. You could if you exercised your powers, bring it to halt anytime and this is why you are encouraged to visualize your victory. Action follows thought, and already you are flexing your muscles, as there is a growing belief in your ability to bring in the changes yourselves.

However, you are not yet sufficient in numbers to carry the responsibilities for change by yourselves, and this is why outside help is being given. The higher forces have been with you for eons of time, helping to ensure that the Plan works out. They cannot however serve your karma, and you have to see your way through it by your own endeavors. We can lessen the impact of some karmic outworking, but in general you reap what you sow as part of your experience.

I am St. Germain, and draw ever closer to you. If uncertainty and apprehension are with you, call on me and the Angelic Kingdom or one who you would know from the higher realms and you will be lifted up. Stay fast, the journey is almost over and great Love and Light continues to be sent to you.

Thank you St. Germain

Mike Quinsey
