St Germain: The Creator Is Pure Energy and All Exists Within That Consciousness
Through Mike Quinsey
Otherwise, the powerful energy of the Creator would destroy all about it, if it was not for this system. In a similar way, when people feel that they have spoken with God, they have certainly been contacted by a higher God force, but not directly with the Creator. In one sense, it does not matter how you envisage the Creator. The important thing is that you are strong in that belief.
Many truths will need to be presented to you if you are to grasp a more representative understanding of spiritual matters. Certain beliefs are so strongly rooted in your consciousness, that it will take you a while to accept a different version.
However, what this will do is to eliminate those areas of contention that have led to so many conflicts between the different theologies. Once the common ground is established, it will be much easier for you all to see that there is only the One Truth, and only the One Creator. It does not matter what name the Creator is known by you. This is purely a human liking for putting names to spiritual Beings. Names are given to you for the purpose of contact through the teachers, or others who would come to you. In the higher realms all have a unique sound, and it can be translated into a name that is very much like it. However, some contacts will simply give a name that is one they used in a previous earthly incarnation, and it will be known to you and appear in your historical references.
The other principle area that needs clarifying is in respect toyour transition from the physical to the spiritual realms. Many of your religions include the teaching of incarnation, and this is in line with the Truth. Your experiences are ongoing through repeated lives on Earth, and allow for your evolution, which is the whole object of physical life. This brings in the Law of Cause and Effect, as you are responsible for your actions, and indeed, your thoughts. These are subjects that will need to be addressed to bring you together, and help you to understand the purpose of life.
The fact is that because you have freewill, whatever you have envisaged as your afterlife will be how you will find it. If you believe that at the death of your physical body, it is the end of your existence, then it will be so. However, wherever you find yourself, you will be aware that you still have your consciousness and the ability to think and reason. Eventually, you will probably realise that there must be others like you, and as soon as you mentally ask for help it will come to you. Heaven and Hell exist, but not in the manner in which they are portrayed by your religious teachings.. Put simply, when you "pass over" you will automatically be drawn to the level that is consistent with your vibration. If you have led a loving, giving life without harm to others, you wil,l certainly, find yourself in the levels that are described as Heaven, or with some of you, the Summerland.
Conversely, if you have perpetrated evil and death and have been without love for others, you will find yourself in the darker realms of a similar low vibration. You will be denied the Light that you denied yourself and others until you can admit your failings. As soon as you do this, help will come to you and efforts made to bring you back into the Light.
Dear Ones, there is a lot of patience called for to find those common threads of belief that will unite you all. Help will be given, as it is essential that you remove those differences in belief, and with goodwill it is perfectly possible. If you accept that there can only be the One Truth and allow for your old ways of thinking to change, you can advance very quickly and with the least difficulty.
I am St. Germain and will come for all regardless of your present held beliefs. I come to bring you back to the true path that will lead you back to the Godhead. There are many of us who are prepared for this time, and we will come in the Love of the Creator. Be ready to accept our Love. We come for ALL.
Thank you St. Germain.
Mike Quinsey