I AM Light, I AM love, I AM peace, .I AM Archangel Michael.
Oh beloved ones, you are coming upon some events in your world that may not seem comfortable to you, but know that I am with you. I will stand with you and be your guardian and your help.
I am speaking through the next one (Lady Cassandra). I am speaking through her heart. She has known about this two-edged sword for over 20 years. I have sent her to places even to other continents. I have stood in her and held that sword against the onrushing tide of darkness since there was no one else to hold MY sword in that place, in that nation, at that time. Now with so many Eagles located around the globe, beloved ones, it is your new work and job "to hold this two-edged sword declaring thus far and no farther" for those who would snatch away your victory so hard won. GUARD THE LIGHT within you. GUARD THE LIGHT within those who are entrusted to your care. This is no longer a matter of nation, of states, countries,continents. This is a matter of Light where you are the individual soul.
I am your Brother and I have been sent here aeons ago to guard those who are the children of God. Now at this very particular moment I entrust each of you with this two-edged sword that I may MULTIPLY MYSELF throughout this Planet in order that Light shall prevail. The Light shall prevail. The Light shall prevail.
You are the Eagles of the Holy Spirit -- the hope of the world. You have made the decision to march in March with your Mighty I Am Presence. Many of you bear the Golden White God Flame in your heart as Ascended masters and Lady Masters. It is most wondrous to behold. We are here to tell you that Light, Light, Light always is victorious even when it seems there is so much darkness. Think about how much Light is in this room, multiply, multiply it and multiply it and you know without a shadow of doubt that we hold the piece on the chess board that is the "King". Remember that in the days to come!! For many will see challenges all around them. You dear ones, are the defender of those who have been shorn and have not been able to hold up their hands because they have not had the opportunity to expand and increase the Light that you have had. You are a great force for good on Earth!!
Use this sword of Light. Let God Justice and the Mercy of God prevail. I will be there. You can call on me.
I thank you,
Archangel Michael