How Will Ye Make Use Of Each Gifted Day?
Greetings Thomas, I Am Esu Sananda in Radiance. I come in Service unto God.
Blessings rest with mine workers this day for ye ones give of thineselves in the manner which is Godly. Ye ones are most critical with selves--be of good cheer lest the burdensome weight of thine experience crush you beneath it.
Look about thee--look to the lily, ye know the rest of it. Beauty surrounds thee. Each day is a blessed gift of Creator. Give thanks that each new day comes into being--for with each new day comes the ability to serve still further toward thine fellow man and toward thine goal.
Yes, it is true, the disciples in olden times argued and had disagreements. These differences were very often their strength. Each was chosen most carefully indeed, for I was able to see that which they were. I was able to see beyond the moment of the hour into that which would be, for each. There were no disputes in the mattes of great import and each served well, then as now.
There are those among you who remain unnamed and yet who are truly aliens. Ye ones are protected from all sides. True, the enemy resides within, as well, but when he is given no quarter, there is nothing to fear. In the clear Light of day all actions pass scrutiny and life moves on.
Ye are moving into the next phase and many roles shall change, for much shall be required of each and not in a manner currently perceived. New ones will be brought in and it shall take place under the umbrella of corporate protection, in separation, and the right hand shall not know what the left hand does. In this lies the protection ye shall require in the difficult times afore thee.
Focus thine attention on this day, for this day is all ye have with which to work. Think of the matters of tomorrow when tomorrow comes, but do not cease in thine preparations for tomorrow this day. Contradiction? Nay, must always keep thine vision upon where it is ye wish to go, otherwise, the destination will ever elude thee.
So, too, focus thine attention fully within the moment of each day and be about thine business of thine work. This day is sufficient to thine needs. How will ye make use of it? Will this day make the difference? Will what ye do this day have an impact upon the whole? How will The Creation be a better place for your Presence in this day? Or shall this day be a day as any other which shall simply pass through the hourglass of time? Ye can make a difference! Will ye? It is up to each what their works shall be--and upon this shall ye be judged.
What shall your judgment be at the final hour? Salu.
Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, September 7, 1993, Volume 2, Number 11, Page 20.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.