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Ceres Anthonious 'Toniose' Soltec

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March 13, 2017

Comments by RM

Soltec's message of 25 years ago is a good review of our recent past, as a nation.  It helps us judge our progress as well as our lack of progress. I believe We-The-People are wiser now, our understanding of what has occurred to our nation has increased, and our efforts to make things better has begun.  The globalists' and their evil plans, however, have not changed as they are fighting us harder than ever before.  By Providence, Americans now have a president and an administration who are resisting the globalists and their evil plans; we can see his/their efforts to restore our nation back to a sovereign, Constitutional Republic, as God intended, beginning to manifest.  We have much to be thankful for so please join me in holding the light for and giving this president and his administration your love, support and assistance in every way that you possibly can.

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New World Order Or New World Chaos?


10/29/92   SOLTEC

Soltec present.  I come in the Light of the Holy God of Creation, in service of the Hosts of Heaven.  We come as the harbingers, preceding that which you could call the Second Coming.  Our mission is to awaken God's people, to bring them into knowledge of the Truth, and ultimately to bring God's people home.  I am honored to be in this service and I honor you ones who have opened your minds and hearts and are doing service unto God and unto those of your world.

The load is heavy, the path is mostly uphill and many are stumbling as the chaos builds momentum.  Every second of your time can be marked by yet another atrocity aimed at your world.  Chaos abounds everywhere you turn.  Charity has been replaced by greed as the pickings grow more scarce.  Men become as dogs, fighting over the scraps of meat left dangling off an old bone.  Men and women defy the Laws of God and teach their children the same.  Value is measured by the size of a man's bank account.  Contaminated water and food supplies poison the bodies and minds.  People live in the streets amongst filth, disease and poverty, struggle to keep warm and dry, and scrounge through the garbage for a morsel of food, while less than a block away the wealthy throw out enough food to feed every homeless person in America.  People die by the thousands daily in Africa because they cannot grow any crops on their dead land, and the relief shipments are held up because of political games.

American businessmen use cheap labor of the foreign nations, keeping the people at below-poverty levels, while their bank accounts grow into fortunes.  Your politicians lie to you about everything from AIDS to the Vietnam War and use You-The-People as pawns, willing to sacrifice you in order to gain the trophy.  Your weather is controlled for the sake of money; your sexual perversity is bought and sold for the sake of money; little children are turned into drug addicts and thrives for the sake of money and people die in emergency rooms because of the lack of money.  Your world is obsessed over the lust for money and more money.  Chelas, the snowball is rolling perilously fast downhill, heading for a crash beyond your wildest nightmares!

What does this have to do with the geophysical changes taking place on your planet?  Dear ones, it has everything to do with it.  Don't forget, the goal is to take out nearly 6 billion of you and every means available will be utilized.  If it means spending billions of your dollars to put one little satellite into orbit to create earthquakes, they will do it.  If it means spending more billions on weather control, Chelas, they will do it.  As I have told you before, the only limitation they have is their imagination.  They are using electromagnetic pulsing to alter your minds, television and radio for reprogramming your minds, religion to control your minds and economic collapses to turn you into subservient slave laborers.  There is no place upon your planet where you can escape, for they have managed to blanket you worldwide.  Between the grid networks and satellites, precious ones, there is no place to run and no place to hide.  It is these actions that are the primary cause of the changes you are seeing taking place before your very eyes.  And you are very deep into it.

Your politicians play games of control by hitting one another with "natural disasters"--earthquakes or hurricanes--and bombing runs to take out baby milk factories, and have absolutely no qualms about doing either.  The only goal is total control of all the Earth and all those able to survive these terrific atrocities.

So, you feel quite safe and smug because the stock market did not crash through the floor this week?  You got by without California dropping off the continent.  Your economy grew 2.7% the third quarter, and the Center for Disease Control is changing its name to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.  So all the news has been just real good, right?  And I have an asteroid for sale!

The Adversary is busy, very busy indeed.  Your news is totally orchestrated and choreographed for their profit.  George Bush may have dropped the outward talk of The New World Order, but you can bet your last worthless nickel that his agenda has not changed one iota.  All that you are hearing right now is pre-election dribble--all are saying only that which they believe you want to hear and will net them the most votes.  All references to the state of your economy and the state of your world is rigged, and the emphasis is dependent upon who is telling the story.

You still have farmers losing every last dime and acre of land because of the fixed grain prices and controlled weather conditions and empty grain storage silos.  Do they tell you this?  Of course they do not, because both Democrats and Republicans are working madly to bankrupt every farmer in your nation to insure that you go hungry!  The only issues you will hear addressed with any conviction is the mud-slinging at the other contender!  They promise you heaven and deliver unto you hell!

The earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, hurricanes and typhoons are only going to increase, regardless of whether George Bush or Bill Clinton is your next president.  The economy is going to continue to plummet, newly designed viruses will increase diseases to epidemic levels, more babies and young children will die of drug addictions and violent crimes, and all the while the politicians will continue to pass more restrictive laws until you have had the "will to continue" strangled out of you.  And you will be left for dead in the gutters.

You will be forced to give up your air conditioning because of the ozone scandal, while the wealthy manufacturers of newly-designed, freon-free units line their pockets with your hard-earned dollars.  You will be the ones whose bank accounts will be stripped bare when the banks collapse.  You-The-People will be forced to pay the price for the arrogant and greedy ways of the Elite controllers.  You will be reduced to slave status and they shall be your overseers and Slave Lords.  The encampments are already being prepared for you.

Have I become cynical?  No, Chelas, I am only laying out the plans of the Adversary for your destruction.  These ones on your globe are but pawns of the greater Adversary and, once they have been used for that one's benefit, will also be cast off like so much rotten meat.  They have bought and believed the greatest of all lies, because it appeals to their physical egos.  Remember, the Adversary's only goal is to usurp power and destroy that which belongs to God and will use whatever manner available to accomplish that goal.  You are in the midst of the oldest spiritual war known.

So what can you do about it?  STAY CLOSE TO GOD AT ALL TIMES.  DO NOT TAKE YOUR SIGHTS OFF OF YOUR GOALS. LOVE ONE ANOTHER--SUPPORT ONE ANOTHER IN YOUR MOMENTS OF WEAKNESS AND FEAR AND ABOVE ALL, KEEP YOUR SPACE CLEAR AND STAY IN THE PROTECTION!  You have been given knowledge and protection to carry out your tasks.  If you ask, you shall also be given the strength--physically, mentally and emotionally to accomplish your work.  Remember to be good to yourselves, for if you are so drained, not only will you not be able to continue, but you will have ill effects on others as well.

Yes, I am aware that when the earth is moving beneath you at all times and you are being bombarded by energy fields and scalar waves that it is difficult to function, however, remember also that you are NOT EVER alone in your trials.  The Hosts are always at hand to guide you and support you.  You have but to ask.  You are in tough times and you must become tougher in order to cope and continue.  If you should lose a material thing, perhaps you were too attached to it anyway.  Know that with God you shall lack nothing.  Most often, you can not see the light ahead until the darkness around you has become all consuming.  Dear, precious ones, the darkness is rapidly closing in around your world; but, there is Light ahead.  You must simply keep going in order to reach it.  For the joy that is in that Light is beyond that which you, at this time, are able to comprehend.

Continue to gather and distribute the information for this is the greatest service which you can do for your world.  Know that the more cages you rattle and the more attacks which come upon you, the deeper into The Truth of it you are getting.  Many inroads are being made by you ones who carry the burden, though at times we realize that it is difficult to see the impact that the LIBERATOR and all your other tasks are having.  But take comfort in the notes and letters of thanks and confirmations that come to your place.  Take the others, which are not always pretty, and that these ones are striking out in fear, and that they are but confirmations to you that a chord of Truth has been struck.

We are honored by your service and grateful unto all that you ones are accomplishing.  Someday you will understand just what it is you have accomplished and, on that day, your joy will be unspeakable.  If you should ever have any doubts about the importance of this mission, I suggest you go and hold a newborn child in your arms and feel its total trust and purity and then ask yourself if it is all worth it.

Perhaps I have strayed from writing totally of the earth changes, but keep in mind that all these things I have spoken of are a part of those changes.  They come attached and cannot be separated without losing part of it.  As I informed you in the beginning, I, as a geophysicist, must take all occurrences into consideration in order to draw conclusions.  Not all those facts are earthquakes and volcanoes, because all forces of energy are a part of those calculations.  If I were to omit even one of these factors then my conclusions would not reflect accuracy.  So, though you may expect to hear only of physical conditions, I would ask that you keep this in mind.

Thank you for your service and your endurance as the "kitchen grows hotter".  You are appreciated and held in much abiding love.  Soltec to clear.



Source:  THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, November 3, 1992, Volume 21, Number 3, Pages 13-14.

Comments by RM

Soltec's message of 25 years ago is a good review of our recent past, as a nation.  It helps us judge our progress as well as our lack of progress. I believe We-The-People are wiser now, our understanding of what has occurred to our nation has increased, and our efforts to make things better has begun.  The globalists' and their evil plans, however, have not changed as they are fighting us harder than ever before.  By Providence, Americans now have a president and an administration who are resisting the globalists and their evil plans; we can see his/their efforts to restore our nation back to a sovereign, Constitutional Republic, as God intended, beginning to manifest.  We have much to be thankful for so please join me in holding the light for and giving this president and his administration your love, support and assistance in every way that you possibly can.

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New World Order Or New World Chaos?


10/29/92   SOLTEC

Soltec present.  I come in the Light of the Holy God of Creation, in service of the Hosts of Heaven.  We come as the harbingers, preceding that which you could call the Second Coming.  Our mission is to awaken God's people, to bring them into knowledge of the Truth, and ultimately to bring God's people home.  I am honored to be in this service and I honor you ones who have opened your minds and hearts and are doing service unto God and unto those of your world.

The load is heavy, the path is mostly uphill and many are stumbling as the chaos builds momentum.  Every second of your time can be marked by yet another atrocity aimed at your world.  Chaos abounds everywhere you turn.  Charity has been replaced by greed as the pickings grow more scarce.  Men become as dogs, fighting over the scraps of meat left dangling off an old bone.  Men and women defy the Laws of God and teach their children the same.  Value is measured by the size of a man's bank account.  Contaminated water and food supplies poison the bodies and minds.  People live in the streets amongst filth, disease and poverty, struggle to keep warm and dry, and scrounge through the garbage for a morsel of food, while less than a block away the wealthy throw out enough food to feed every homeless person in America.  People die by the thousands daily in Africa because they cannot grow any crops on their dead land, and the relief shipments are held up because of political games.

American businessmen use cheap labor of the foreign nations, keeping the people at below-poverty levels, while their bank accounts grow into fortunes.  Your politicians lie to you about everything from AIDS to the Vietnam War and use You-The-People as pawns, willing to sacrifice you in order to gain the trophy.  Your weather is controlled for the sake of money; your sexual perversity is bought and sold for the sake of money; little children are turned into drug addicts and thrives for the sake of money and people die in emergency rooms because of the lack of money.  Your world is obsessed over the lust for money and more money.  Chelas, the snowball is rolling perilously fast downhill, heading for a crash beyond your wildest nightmares!

What does this have to do with the geophysical changes taking place on your planet?  Dear ones, it has everything to do with it.  Don't forget, the goal is to take out nearly 6 billion of you and every means available will be utilized.  If it means spending billions of your dollars to put one little satellite into orbit to create earthquakes, they will do it.  If it means spending more billions on weather control, Chelas, they will do it.  As I have told you before, the only limitation they have is their imagination.  They are using electromagnetic pulsing to alter your minds, television and radio for reprogramming your minds, religion to control your minds and economic collapses to turn you into subservient slave laborers.  There is no place upon your planet where you can escape, for they have managed to blanket you worldwide.  Between the grid networks and satellites, precious ones, there is no place to run and no place to hide.  It is these actions that are the primary cause of the changes you are seeing taking place before your very eyes.  And you are very deep into it.

Your politicians play games of control by hitting one another with "natural disasters"--earthquakes or hurricanes--and bombing runs to take out baby milk factories, and have absolutely no qualms about doing either.  The only goal is total control of all the Earth and all those able to survive these terrific atrocities.

So, you feel quite safe and smug because the stock market did not crash through the floor this week?  You got by without California dropping off the continent.  Your economy grew 2.7% the third quarter, and the Center for Disease Control is changing its name to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.  So all the news has been just real good, right?  And I have an asteroid for sale!

The Adversary is busy, very busy indeed.  Your news is totally orchestrated and choreographed for their profit.  George Bush may have dropped the outward talk of The New World Order, but you can bet your last worthless nickel that his agenda has not changed one iota.  All that you are hearing right now is pre-election dribble--all are saying only that which they believe you want to hear and will net them the most votes.  All references to the state of your economy and the state of your world is rigged, and the emphasis is dependent upon who is telling the story.

You still have farmers losing every last dime and acre of land because of the fixed grain prices and controlled weather conditions and empty grain storage silos.  Do they tell you this?  Of course they do not, because both Democrats and Republicans are working madly to bankrupt every farmer in your nation to insure that you go hungry!  The only issues you will hear addressed with any conviction is the mud-slinging at the other contender!  They promise you heaven and deliver unto you hell!

The earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, hurricanes and typhoons are only going to increase, regardless of whether George Bush or Bill Clinton is your next president.  The economy is going to continue to plummet, newly designed viruses will increase diseases to epidemic levels, more babies and young children will die of drug addictions and violent crimes, and all the while the politicians will continue to pass more restrictive laws until you have had the "will to continue" strangled out of you.  And you will be left for dead in the gutters.

You will be forced to give up your air conditioning because of the ozone scandal, while the wealthy manufacturers of newly-designed, freon-free units line their pockets with your hard-earned dollars.  You will be the ones whose bank accounts will be stripped bare when the banks collapse.  You-The-People will be forced to pay the price for the arrogant and greedy ways of the Elite controllers.  You will be reduced to slave status and they shall be your overseers and Slave Lords.  The encampments are already being prepared for you.

Have I become cynical?  No, Chelas, I am only laying out the plans of the Adversary for your destruction.  These ones on your globe are but pawns of the greater Adversary and, once they have been used for that one's benefit, will also be cast off like so much rotten meat.  They have bought and believed the greatest of all lies, because it appeals to their physical egos.  Remember, the Adversary's only goal is to usurp power and destroy that which belongs to God and will use whatever manner available to accomplish that goal.  You are in the midst of the oldest spiritual war known.

So what can you do about it?  STAY CLOSE TO GOD AT ALL TIMES.  DO NOT TAKE YOUR SIGHTS OFF OF YOUR GOALS. LOVE ONE ANOTHER--SUPPORT ONE ANOTHER IN YOUR MOMENTS OF WEAKNESS AND FEAR AND ABOVE ALL, KEEP YOUR SPACE CLEAR AND STAY IN THE PROTECTION!  You have been given knowledge and protection to carry out your tasks.  If you ask, you shall also be given the strength--physically, mentally and emotionally to accomplish your work.  Remember to be good to yourselves, for if you are so drained, not only will you not be able to continue, but you will have ill effects on others as well.

Yes, I am aware that when the earth is moving beneath you at all times and you are being bombarded by energy fields and scalar waves that it is difficult to function, however, remember also that you are NOT EVER alone in your trials.  The Hosts are always at hand to guide you and support you.  You have but to ask.  You are in tough times and you must become tougher in order to cope and continue.  If you should lose a material thing, perhaps you were too attached to it anyway.  Know that with God you shall lack nothing.  Most often, you can not see the light ahead until the darkness around you has become all consuming.  Dear, precious ones, the darkness is rapidly closing in around your world; but, there is Light ahead.  You must simply keep going in order to reach it.  For the joy that is in that Light is beyond that which you, at this time, are able to comprehend.

Continue to gather and distribute the information for this is the greatest service which you can do for your world.  Know that the more cages you rattle and the more attacks which come upon you, the deeper into The Truth of it you are getting.  Many inroads are being made by you ones who carry the burden, though at times we realize that it is difficult to see the impact that the LIBERATOR and all your other tasks are having.  But take comfort in the notes and letters of thanks and confirmations that come to your place.  Take the others, which are not always pretty, and that these ones are striking out in fear, and that they are but confirmations to you that a chord of Truth has been struck.

We are honored by your service and grateful unto all that you ones are accomplishing.  Someday you will understand just what it is you have accomplished and, on that day, your joy will be unspeakable.  If you should ever have any doubts about the importance of this mission, I suggest you go and hold a newborn child in your arms and feel its total trust and purity and then ask yourself if it is all worth it.

Perhaps I have strayed from writing totally of the earth changes, but keep in mind that all these things I have spoken of are a part of those changes.  They come attached and cannot be separated without losing part of it.  As I informed you in the beginning, I, as a geophysicist, must take all occurrences into consideration in order to draw conclusions.  Not all those facts are earthquakes and volcanoes, because all forces of energy are a part of those calculations.  If I were to omit even one of these factors then my conclusions would not reflect accuracy.  So, though you may expect to hear only of physical conditions, I would ask that you keep this in mind.

Thank you for your service and your endurance as the "kitchen grows hotter".  You are appreciated and held in much abiding love.  Soltec to clear.



Source:  THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, November 3, 1992, Volume 21, Number 3, Pages 13-14.

Comments by RM

Soltec's message of 25 years ago is a good review of our recent past, as a nation.  It helps us judge our progress as well as our lack of progress. I believe We-The-People are wiser now, our understanding of what has occurred to our nation has increased, and our efforts to make things better has begun.  The globalists' and their evil plans, however, have not changed as they are fighting us harder than ever before.  By Providence, Americans now have a president and an administration who are resisting the globalists and their evil plans; we can see his/their efforts to restore our nation back to a sovereign, Constitutional Republic, as God intended, beginning to manifest.  We have much to be thankful for so please join me in holding the light for and giving this president and his administration your love, support and assistance in every way that you possibly can.

* * *


New World Order Or New World Chaos?


10/29/92   SOLTEC

Soltec present.  I come in the Light of the Holy God of Creation, in service of the Hosts of Heaven.  We come as the harbingers, preceding that which you could call the Second Coming.  Our mission is to awaken God's people, to bring them into knowledge of the Truth, and ultimately to bring God's people home.  I am honored to be in this service and I honor you ones who have opened your minds and hearts and are doing service unto God and unto those of your world.

The load is heavy, the path is mostly uphill and many are stumbling as the chaos builds momentum.  Every second of your time can be marked by yet another atrocity aimed at your world.  Chaos abounds everywhere you turn.  Charity has been replaced by greed as the pickings grow more scarce.  Men become as dogs, fighting over the scraps of meat left dangling off an old bone.  Men and women defy the Laws of God and teach their children the same.  Value is measured by the size of a man's bank account.  Contaminated water and food supplies poison the bodies and minds.  People live in the streets amongst filth, disease and poverty, struggle to keep warm and dry, and scrounge through the garbage for a morsel of food, while less than a block away the wealthy throw out enough food to feed every homeless person in America.  People die by the thousands daily in Africa because they cannot grow any crops on their dead land, and the relief shipments are held up because of political games.

American businessmen use cheap labor of the foreign nations, keeping the people at below-poverty levels, while their bank accounts grow into fortunes.  Your politicians lie to you about everything from AIDS to the Vietnam War and use You-The-People as pawns, willing to sacrifice you in order to gain the trophy.  Your weather is controlled for the sake of money; your sexual perversity is bought and sold for the sake of money; little children are turned into drug addicts and thrives for the sake of money and people die in emergency rooms because of the lack of money.  Your world is obsessed over the lust for money and more money.  Chelas, the snowball is rolling perilously fast downhill, heading for a crash beyond your wildest nightmares!

What does this have to do with the geophysical changes taking place on your planet?  Dear ones, it has everything to do with it.  Don't forget, the goal is to take out nearly 6 billion of you and every means available will be utilized.  If it means spending billions of your dollars to put one little satellite into orbit to create earthquakes, they will do it.  If it means spending more billions on weather control, Chelas, they will do it.  As I have told you before, the only limitation they have is their imagination.  They are using electromagnetic pulsing to alter your minds, television and radio for reprogramming your minds, religion to control your minds and economic collapses to turn you into subservient slave laborers.  There is no place upon your planet where you can escape, for they have managed to blanket you worldwide.  Between the grid networks and satellites, precious ones, there is no place to run and no place to hide.  It is these actions that are the primary cause of the changes you are seeing taking place before your very eyes.  And you are very deep into it.

Your politicians play games of control by hitting one another with "natural disasters"--earthquakes or hurricanes--and bombing runs to take out baby milk factories, and have absolutely no qualms about doing either.  The only goal is total control of all the Earth and all those able to survive these terrific atrocities.

So, you feel quite safe and smug because the stock market did not crash through the floor this week?  You got by without California dropping off the continent.  Your economy grew 2.7% the third quarter, and the Center for Disease Control is changing its name to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.  So all the news has been just real good, right?  And I have an asteroid for sale!

The Adversary is busy, very busy indeed.  Your news is totally orchestrated and choreographed for their profit.  George Bush may have dropped the outward talk of The New World Order, but you can bet your last worthless nickel that his agenda has not changed one iota.  All that you are hearing right now is pre-election dribble--all are saying only that which they believe you want to hear and will net them the most votes.  All references to the state of your economy and the state of your world is rigged, and the emphasis is dependent upon who is telling the story.

You still have farmers losing every last dime and acre of land because of the fixed grain prices and controlled weather conditions and empty grain storage silos.  Do they tell you this?  Of course they do not, because both Democrats and Republicans are working madly to bankrupt every farmer in your nation to insure that you go hungry!  The only issues you will hear addressed with any conviction is the mud-slinging at the other contender!  They promise you heaven and deliver unto you hell!

The earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, hurricanes and typhoons are only going to increase, regardless of whether George Bush or Bill Clinton is your next president.  The economy is going to continue to plummet, newly designed viruses will increase diseases to epidemic levels, more babies and young children will die of drug addictions and violent crimes, and all the while the politicians will continue to pass more restrictive laws until you have had the "will to continue" strangled out of you.  And you will be left for dead in the gutters.

You will be forced to give up your air conditioning because of the ozone scandal, while the wealthy manufacturers of newly-designed, freon-free units line their pockets with your hard-earned dollars.  You will be the ones whose bank accounts will be stripped bare when the banks collapse.  You-The-People will be forced to pay the price for the arrogant and greedy ways of the Elite controllers.  You will be reduced to slave status and they shall be your overseers and Slave Lords.  The encampments are already being prepared for you.

Have I become cynical?  No, Chelas, I am only laying out the plans of the Adversary for your destruction.  These ones on your globe are but pawns of the greater Adversary and, once they have been used for that one's benefit, will also be cast off like so much rotten meat.  They have bought and believed the greatest of all lies, because it appeals to their physical egos.  Remember, the Adversary's only goal is to usurp power and destroy that which belongs to God and will use whatever manner available to accomplish that goal.  You are in the midst of the oldest spiritual war known.

So what can you do about it?  STAY CLOSE TO GOD AT ALL TIMES.  DO NOT TAKE YOUR SIGHTS OFF OF YOUR GOALS. LOVE ONE ANOTHER--SUPPORT ONE ANOTHER IN YOUR MOMENTS OF WEAKNESS AND FEAR AND ABOVE ALL, KEEP YOUR SPACE CLEAR AND STAY IN THE PROTECTION!  You have been given knowledge and protection to carry out your tasks.  If you ask, you shall also be given the strength--physically, mentally and emotionally to accomplish your work.  Remember to be good to yourselves, for if you are so drained, not only will you not be able to continue, but you will have ill effects on others as well.

Yes, I am aware that when the earth is moving beneath you at all times and you are being bombarded by energy fields and scalar waves that it is difficult to function, however, remember also that you are NOT EVER alone in your trials.  The Hosts are always at hand to guide you and support you.  You have but to ask.  You are in tough times and you must become tougher in order to cope and continue.  If you should lose a material thing, perhaps you were too attached to it anyway.  Know that with God you shall lack nothing.  Most often, you can not see the light ahead until the darkness around you has become all consuming.  Dear, precious ones, the darkness is rapidly closing in around your world; but, there is Light ahead.  You must simply keep going in order to reach it.  For the joy that is in that Light is beyond that which you, at this time, are able to comprehend.

Continue to gather and distribute the information for this is the greatest service which you can do for your world.  Know that the more cages you rattle and the more attacks which come upon you, the deeper into The Truth of it you are getting.  Many inroads are being made by you ones who carry the burden, though at times we realize that it is difficult to see the impact that the LIBERATOR and all your other tasks are having.  But take comfort in the notes and letters of thanks and confirmations that come to your place.  Take the others, which are not always pretty, and that these ones are striking out in fear, and that they are but confirmations to you that a chord of Truth has been struck.

We are honored by your service and grateful unto all that you ones are accomplishing.  Someday you will understand just what it is you have accomplished and, on that day, your joy will be unspeakable.  If you should ever have any doubts about the importance of this mission, I suggest you go and hold a newborn child in your arms and feel its total trust and purity and then ask yourself if it is all worth it.

Perhaps I have strayed from writing totally of the earth changes, but keep in mind that all these things I have spoken of are a part of those changes.  They come attached and cannot be separated without losing part of it.  As I informed you in the beginning, I, as a geophysicist, must take all occurrences into consideration in order to draw conclusions.  Not all those facts are earthquakes and volcanoes, because all forces of energy are a part of those calculations.  If I were to omit even one of these factors then my conclusions would not reflect accuracy.  So, though you may expect to hear only of physical conditions, I would ask that you keep this in mind.

Thank you for your service and your endurance as the "kitchen grows hotter".  You are appreciated and held in much abiding love.  Soltec to clear.



Source:  THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, November 3, 1992, Volume 21, Number 3, Pages 13-14.

Reprint:  CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, February 6, 1996, Volume 12, Number 2, Pages 26-27.

Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.