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Thoughts to Ponder for May 14, 2013

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"A gang is a group of men under the command of a leader, bound by a compact of association, in which the plunder is divided according to an agreed convention. If this villainy wins so many recruits from the ranks of the demoralized that it acquires territory, establishes a base, captures cities and subdues peoples, it then openly arrogates to itself the title of kingdom, which is conferred on it in the eyes of the world, not by the renunciation of aggression, but by the attainment of impunity"---St. Augustine

Your Choices in the Political arena: Indeed, the plunder has become so common, and the plunderers so smug and self-confident, that their predations are taken for granted, and the thieves themselves treated with extraordinary deference! It is something akin to the Stockholm syndrome. You encounter the same mugger at the same spot every day, and eventually establish a sort of bizarre relationship with him----even, eventually, thanking him for not taking more. When you are given the opportunity to replace him with another mugger, you vote for the incumbent---sticking with the devil you know, unless his opponent offers to share more of his loot with you.

---Paul Hein 10-19-2010