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Thoughts to Ponder for August 23, 2013

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“WHY is it that the murder of one man is considered a criminal act whereas the killing of hundreds of thousands of innocent people committed in wars, is not considered so? -Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, former Prime Minister of Malaysia


Here is the clinch, if you do not like this, do not come here. No one is putting a gun to your heads. But that you call this a tyranny, when you yourselves are goose stepping all over the vast majorities in your own nations, who oppose you, now that is tyranny. Fortunately, at least in nations like Ukraine and Georgia, where their quesling governments bent over and dropped their britches for the Rainbow Queer Brigades, the people rose up in anger and rage, as they also did in France, but how they will never do amongst the toothless Anglos and Anglo Americans, who whimper like beaten dogs every time the Homosexuals come for their children. - Stanislav Mishin


"Teach your children to be brave. This century of ours has been marked most conspicuously by cowardice of the people everywhere. It was by our cowardice that we were betrayed into the hands of corrupt men who promised to make life"safe' for us and devoid of hazard, and robbed the adventurousness by which the spirits of men are strengthened. It was by our poltroonery that we lost our liberties. It was by our fears that we almost died. A brave people never become slaves." -- Taylor Caldwell,"The Devil's Advocate"(1952) -- pgs. 332 -- 338