Quote from Daniel Webster and Comments
God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it.
There is no refuge from confession but suicide; and suicide is confession.
I was born an American; I will live an American; I shall die an American.
Daniel Webster
The above was penned by a real American, before all the men opted to become 14th Amendment Geldings. . .notice the unyielding stance of Webster's overtone, that's the way all Americans used to be, all lost, all gone and forgotten save the sayings and works of those men in America's past who implicitly understood what it meant to be a true American. I am deeply ashamed of what America has become, a nation of delusional pretenders, who hold nothing more sacred than Their creature comforts and the constant pursuit of sense-gratification(s).
America, or what it once was, and stood for, is all but gone because the flame that once existed in the hearts of the American People, has for so long been dormant, that it will now require a long, and very difficult time period of event triggers to reignite.
"If such a series of events do take place to cause such a sincerely genuine outpouring and general up-welling of dedication to country before personal pursuits, many bystanders, and onlookers will be swept away by those wanting to pour water on it." --=RR