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There is another old saying that there are four boxes to be used in the defense of liberty – the soap box in which people use free speech to sway people to their cause; the ballot box in which the people try to vote in representatives who will actually represent them rather than succumb to other corrupt influences; the jury box in which people may show their dissatisfaction with laws through the use of jury nullification; and, finally, the cartridge box or ammo box through which people fight for their liberty.

The battles of Lexington and Concord were an attempt by our government to seize firearms so that the citizens could not fight back. They sparked the Revolutionary War. The raid on Harpers Ferry was an attempt to seize arms from the government so that slaves could fight for their freedom. It sparked the US Civil War. Could firearms confiscation in Virginia or in another state be the spark for a second, much uglier, civil war?


"I just don't trust any of it. Every time I read something about how there's been another ridiculous climb of the Dow Jones, there is a part of me that goes, 'That can't be good.' None of this is real money. You know what I mean? It's not like there is actually more of anything. It's just ideas. When people are getting richer and richer but they're not actually producing anything, it can't end well." -- Louis C.K.