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SORCHA FAAL: Trump, Biden, Mossad, McAfee And CIA Collide—Then Florida Building Goes Boom!

X22REPORT: Ep 2511a – The People Know The Main Problem, The People Are Being Prepped

SOTN: People, what do you have to see in order to understand where the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda is heading?!?!

SOTN: CDC Scientists at War With Each Other Over Vaccine Safety

FULFORD: June 21, 2021 Summer Solstice Turning Point as Military-Industrial Complex Takes on Medical Industrial Complex [FULL Report]

Gun Sanctuary Movement Erupts, 61% of US Counties Now Protect Second Amendment

Biden Justice Department announces lawsuit against Georgia’s election integrity law

San Francisco forcing 35,000 city employees to get COVID-19 vaccines

Communist Satanists are planning to commit a Bolshevik Revolution against Americans (Video)

IRS Revokes Christian Nonprofit’s Tax Exemption For Republican Affiliation

SISTER CIARA: You Are Living In A Fool’s Paradise—Enjoy It While It Lasts

X22REPORT: [FF] Alert, See Something, Say Something, Red Line Will Be Crossed – Ep. 2510

SOTN: Bill C10 and Bill C36: Totalitarianism Comes to Canada (Video)

X22REPORT: Ep 2510a – [CB] Of [CB]s Just Said It Out Loud, Now You Know

SOTN: The Global Power Structure Behind OPERATION COVID-19 & COVID KILL SHOT Exposes Itself

SOTN: We Repeat: John McAfee Did NOT Kill Himself

So Much Of What The CIA Used To Do Covertly It Now Does Overtly

Biden Suggests Nuking Americans If They Fight Against His Gun Control Plans, Blames 'Guns' For Crime Surge

LifeSite changed my life, and others’ lives through me

Kentucky police officer returns to work after being suspended for praying outside abortuary

Now just mentioning “ivermectin” gets you banned on YouTube as Big Tech unleashes wholesale censorship of all covid treatments that might save lives

Covid bioweapons “bag man” Peter Daszak outed by The Lancet for failing to disclose his competing financial interests

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

SORCHA FAAL Russia-China Prepare For War After Trump Declares “I Never Admitted Defeat—I Have Not Conceded”

REVEALED: Google & USAID Funded Wuhan Collaborator Peter Daszak’s Virus Experiments For Over A Decade.


SOTN: Really, these corporate cops were ordered to arrest innocent citizens legally protesting the cultural marxist agenda being foisted on our school children?!

Over 30,000 US Veterans of Post-9/11 Wars Have Killed Themselves Since 2001

Nearly 4,000 Fully Vaccinated People in Massachusetts Test Positive for COVID-19

Hundreds of DOCTORS get covid-19 AFTER being vaccinated, with dozens hospitalized

141 House Republicans vow to challenge Biden ATF’s unconstitutional targeting of AR-15 pistols

Irish couple aborts son with ‘fatal foetal abnormality,’ then finds out he was perfectly healthy

Bill Gates killed poor tribal Indian girls through PATH “vaccine” initiative

SORCHA FAAL: Russian Forces Fire On NATO Warship After Top Catholic General Rescinds Biden Order

Amazing New Website Confirms YouTube Is Suppressing Dislikes on Joe Biden Videos by as Much as 600%

Mark Meadows Makes Major 2024 Prediction on Possible DeSantis v. Trump Primary Gage Skidmore Flickr

Iowa Public Schools Taught MAGA is ‘Covert White Supremacy’ Before Banning CRT

SORCHA FAAL: Biden Soils Nappies After Watching Christians Obliterate Socialists In European Elections

X22REPORT: While Congress Is Away, The Month Of August Is Traditionally A Really Hot Month – Ep. 2508

SORCHA FAAL: Russia Tests New Plan To Finance War Against “Bat Shit Crazy” America

X22REPORT: Ep 2508a – [CB]s Lost Their Cover Stories, Desperation Setting In, [FF]

SOTN: BLOCKBUSTER! COVID-19 Treatment Cover-up Blown Wide Open on FOX News (Video)

SOTN: Remember the reported deaths of BRITISH AIRWAYS pilots from the jab? AMERICAN AIRLINES has abruptly CANCELED HUNDREDS of FLIGHTS This WEEKEND

Wisconsin lawmakers pass bills banning gender-confused males from competing with women and girls

Lab tests show 11 dangerous pathogens found in children’s masks

China hacking and penetration of critical U.S. infrastructure systems worse than previous thought

Biden regime tearing families apart Soviet-style with new snitch scheme

White House Can’t Confirm if U.S. Will Meet Biden’s July 4th Vaccine Goal

SORCHA FAAL: Terror Strikes Vatican After American Bishops Align With QAnon Against Biden And Pope Francis

X22REPORT: Just Because Something Isn’t Public Doesn’t Mean…, Shock And Awe – Ep. 2507

FULFORD: June 19, 2021 The Removal From Power of Benjamin Netanyahu is a Game Changer [FULL Report]

SOTN: Preliminary Reports from Arizona Election Audit Reveal that President Trump Has 254,000 Vote Lead Over POTUS Imposter Biden

X22REPORT:Ep 2507a – The World Is Watching, World Bank, IMF Panic

SOTN: COVID, Ivermectin and the Crime of the Century

Fauci threatened the careers of scientists who publicly supported the coronavirus lab leak theory

Chinese Defector Spills the Beans on Everything From Biden to Covid

Texas Border Wall: Gov. Abbott Signs Letters For Funding, Demanding Land Back From Federal Government

56 House Republicans urge Biden to remove Harris from leading role on migration crisis

Critical race theory becomes a top issue in Virginia governor's race

SOTN: This is how the Cultural Marxists destroys American institutions first through sexual abuse by stealth then via forced bankruptcy.

SORCHA FAAL: Trump Sides With Knight Assassins In Catholic War To Destroy Biden And Pope Fran

X22REPORT: The [DS] Exposed Their Plan When The Truth Is Revealed About The Elections, Red Alert – Ep. 2506

X22REPORT: Ep 2506a – The [CB] Great Reset/Climate Change Plan Hits A Major Road Block


Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signs House Bill 3979 'critical race theory’ bill

Medical establishment attempts to MEMORY HOLE “natural immunity” while post-vaccine outbreaks strike cruise lines and hundreds of doctors

6.18.21: #EnoughIsEnough The Battle Rages on. Hold the Line. Get INVOLVED locally! Pray!

Media hushes up report suggesting FBI involvement in Capitol riot, as White House turns anti-terrorism efforts on American people

Compilation of magnetic meat videos

Bases 25 Part Two SSS Rachel (Black Goo)

SORCHA FAAL: Trump Declares Summit “Good Day For Russia” After “EuroJoe” Collides With “Flemish Rambo”


A Group Of Parents Sent Their Kids’ Face Masks to a Lab for Analysis. Here’s What They Found

X22REPORT: Ep 2505a – [CB] Just Exposed Their Currency Plan, It Already Failed


Biden - Putin Summit Summary

FBI Ignored Its Own Warrant And Search Policies To Seize Millions From People's Safety Deposit Boxes

Rights Advocates Call on Canadian MPs to Pass Bill to End China’s Forced Organ Harvesting

Hundreds of Vaccinated Indonesian Health Workers Get COVID-19, Dozens in Hospital

In China, Apple censors LGBT apps, but in America, Apple censors anti-LGBT publishers

Kevin McCarthy: media helped cover up possible lab origin of coronavirus

The unethical history of Big Pharma, and why they can’t be trusted on anything

Texas Governor Announces Border Wall Project With Major Down Payment

Child Trafficking? ‘Elite’ Pedophiles? Planes Carrying Unidentified Children Landing in Tennessee in the Middle of the Night


X22REPORT: Patriots Have The [DS] Panicking, Ready For The Offensive, Hold The Line – Ep. 2505

Here comes global cooling

SORCHA FAAL: Putin Begins Summit To Deal With Sick America And Feel Its Pulse

X22REPORT: [DS] Panicking, Ready To Use Ammunition, Something Big Is Coming, Red 2 – Ep. 2504.

SOTN:Worldwide Genocide Continues: 13,867 Dead and 1,354,336 Injuries in European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots

X22REPORT:Ep 2504a – The Economic Plan Is Working, The Economic Awakening Is Happening

“This is performative theater. This is not science.” – Ted Cruz shreds airplane mask mandates [VIDEO]

Meet NATO, the Dangerous “Defensive” Alliance Trying to Run the World

STUDY: Covid vaccines cause Alzheimer’s, brain changes

Governors in Arizona, Texas bypass corrupt Biden regime and request law enforcement help from other states to combat illegal immigration, drug trafficking

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. warns that Fauci, Gates are committing mass genocide against humanity

Evidence-based medicine consultancy issues “yellow card” warning about dangers of covid vaccines

Wikileaks just dumped all of their files online.

NEW - Trump addressed the assembly at Mike Lindell’s "Frank Speech" rally in Wisconsin with a video cast

President Trump: Rudy and Mike Lindell Will Go Down as Heroes in Not Too Distant Future

President Donald Trump Speaks at MAGA Frank Rally in New Richmond, WI 6/12/21

SORCHA FAAL: Spat On Russia Warns It Has “No Confidence” Any Agreement Will Be Reached With Biden

X22REPORT: The Clock Is Ticking Down, Zero-Day Is Approaching, Time To Take Back The Country – Ep. 2503

SOTN: MUCH Worse Than the Disease—the Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines

X22REPORT: Ep 2503a – The Patriots Are Exposing The Club, See The Difference

Censorship: Facebook Has Removed 16 Million Pieces of Content & Added ‘Warnings’ On 167 Million

China tortures Uyghurs in brutal concentration camps to implement ‘One China’ policy, witnesses testify

Private schools in Wisconsion county win in court, stay open in spite of COVID orders

Florida Sheriff to Migrants From Blue States: Don’t Vote the Way You Did Before ‘Or Yo

McCarthy: If GOP Flips House, Republicans Will Boot Omar From Foreign Affairs Panel

INSANE: Oregon Democrats decriminalize homelessness across entire state, allowing them to crash in nearly ALL public spaces

Top Politico Editor Who Led Trump-Era Coverage Announces Departure for Liberal Network

SORCHAFAAL: 20 Weeks Of Biden Hell Achieves: New Cold War, Time Bomb Economy, $200 Oil And 2,000 Nukes On High Alert

X22REPORT: FISA Works Both Ways, Track All Suicides, Think Tarmac, [FF] Alert – Ep. 2502

SORCHA FAAL: Biden Pokes Russian Bear As Chinese Dragon Upends G-7 Summit Protected By Satanic Death Cult

X22REPORT: Ep 2502a – [CB]/G7 Believe They Are In Control, Appear Weak When You Are Strong

SOTN: Spike Proteins Crossing the Blood Brain Barrier — Dr Richard Fleming (Video)

Pakistan Shuts Off Phone Service To Non-Vaccinated Citizens

Judge Suspends Biden Administration’s Non-White Farmer Debt Relief Program

GraceLife church takes Alberta Health Services to court, after government seized the church building

PLANDEMIC: China had a covid “vaccine” ready and waiting long before the pandemic

China engaged in a “massive coverup” – stonewalls international investigation into the Wuhan lab

Bases 46 Harald Kautz Vella Black Goo Part Three

SORCHA FAAL: Putin Calls Trump “Extraordinary” Then Mocks “Not Normal” Biden As War Nears


X22REPORT Stealth Bomber Incoming,Chatter Amongst Those In Control Has Begun,[DS] Panic,Game Over – Ep. 2500:

SOTN: WOW! Now the Covid Vaccinated Are Being Advised NOT to Fly Because of Blood Clot Risk During Flight

SOTN: Fauci Partnered With Moderna On Vaccine! (Video)

UK Government Adviser Says Mask Mandates Should Continue “Forever”

Here’s what will happen if the power grid goes down (plus tips on how to survive)

“What’s the point of vaccinations?” British travelers from Portugal ordered to quarantine for 10 days despite being fully vaccinated

CDC to Hold Emergency Meeting Over Rare Post-Vaccination Heart Inflammation

Top US General Warns: China Increasing Military at ‘Serious and Sustained Rate’

Breaking: Apple Pie is Now Racist

Watch Waterfall Flow in Reverse

Rotating 'Mothership' Arrives in Montana

SORCHA FAAL: Dr. Strangelove Takes Flight After “Deep State” Blindsided By “Trump State” Counterattack

SORCHA FAAL: Geneva Estate That Birthed American And French Revolutions To Host Putin-Biden Summit

X22REPORT: If You Know The [DS] Playbook How Can You Trap Them For The World To See? – Ep. 2499

FULFORD: War Intensifies as Cabal Takes Aim at Returning Trump [FULL Report]

SOTN: Here’s the Covid Game Plan for Global Genocide and Enslavement of Humanity

X22REPORT: Ep 2499a – The Economic Crisis Narrative Begins, It’s Time To Wake Up The People

The Wall Street-Captured Fed Consolidates Its Power Under Biden

Two Tier Society: Full Capacity Foo Fighters, Springsteen, Strokes Gigs Announced For FULLY VACCINATED ONLY

Over 50% of fires in Los Angeles this year were caused by the city’s surging homeless population

NIH Director defends CCP scientists, admits to funding gain-of-function research, shedding more light on Fauci’s perjury

Proof that Rule of Law is Dead and Criminals Have Taken Over America

Border State AG Demands Biden Halt Europe Trip to Address Border Crisis


SORCHA FAAL: Biden Admits To Cyberattacks As Demonic Plan To Exterminate White Americans Accelerates

X22REPORT: [DS] Prepares,It’s Spreading To Other States,It’s The Patriots Turn,The Gloves Are Off – Ep. 2498

6.9.21: 'TRUE INFORMATION' TIDAL WAVE is crushing the [DS], encouraging TRUTHERS! PRAY!

X22REPORT: Ep 2498a – The Patriots Just Trapped & Exposed The [CB], It’s All About To Unravel

It is NOT a Conspiracy THEORY if They (Government) are Truly Trying to KILL YOU: PCR Swabs are Coated With Ethylene Oxide – A Known Deadly Carcinogen Which Can Change our DNA

SOTN: Everything points to a highly organized, preplanned, deliberate genocide of the people of India!

“Secure” Messaging App Used by Criminals Operated by FBI

What Fauci’s emails tell us about his deadly incompetence and mishandling of COVID

Houston Methodist Hospital orders staff to withhold adverse reactions caused by covid vaccines from official records

COVID-19 Get the latest information from the CDC about COVID-19.

After Biden Accuses Trump of Misusing Govt. Resources His DOJ Chooses to Defend Trump in Defamation Suit

Texas Brings the Muscle Against Vaxx Passports

The Bill Gates Plot Thickens…Bigtime

SORCHA FAAL: Putin Signals “Conflict Potential Growing” After Trump Forces Warn “Next 3-4 Weeks Will Be Explosive”

X22REPORT: Prepare For Zero-Day, Cyber Power Attack Attempts, Patriots Are In Control If Lights Go Out – Ep. 2497

X22REPORT: Ep 2497a – Economic Irregular Warfare, How Do You Attack The [CB], You Play Their Game

Our government is evolving into something horrifying

Crackdown on Academic Freedom: Prof Under Attack for Asking Students to Think Independently

Chinese Government Scientist Filed COVID Vaccine Patent Before Pandemic Began

Agent provocateurs for the unborn

WSJ says covid came from a Wuhan lab, citing the genetic fingerprint of the virus

Supreme Court Unanimously Rules Illegal Immigrants Do Not Have Right to Green Cards

VP Harris Falsely Claims She’s Visited the Border

SARAHWESTFALL WITH KEVIN ANNETT--VIDEO: Mass Child Grave Site Uncovered, 28 More Identified, 6 More Sites Still in Use w/ Kevin Annett

SORCHA FAAL: Russia Authorizes War Economy As NATO Begs For Talks And Biden Threat Grows



X22REPORT: The Patriot Offensive Has Begun, It’s Time For Trump To Return To The White House – Ep. 2496

SORCHA FAAL: End Game Nears After Putin Ignites “Shot Heard Around The World” And Trump Torches “Snowflakes”

X22REPORT: Ep 2496a – The Move Away From The [CB] Fiat System Has Begun

REPORT: High-Ranking Chinese Defector Working With DIA Has 'Direct Knowledge' of China's Bioweapons Program—and It's Very Bad

Gun Stocks Get Bump After CA Judge Overturns Assault Weapons Ban; Background Checks Break New Record

“It’s like Gitmo:” Capitol demonstrators treated like third-world terrorists in DC jail where they are brutalized, terrorized, and locked in cells for days at a time

“It’s like Gitmo:” Capitol demonstrators treated like third-world terrorists in DC jail where they are brutalized, terrorized, and locked in cells for days at a time

COVID hospitalizations, deaths for the vaccinated more than triple in one month, CDC reports

Biden announces July 4 giveaway if 70% of Americans take a COVID vaccine

Leaked email shows scientist who manipulated coronaviruses thanking Fauci for lying about covid

SOTN: CYBER POLYGON: Why the NWO Globalist Cabal is Ramping Up the Ransomware and Cybersecurity Attacks Worldwide

Trump Announces ‘History Tour’ Starting in December with Former Fox News Host

KEVIN ANNETT: The Murdered Kamloops Children: Stop the Coverup and Jail the Guilty! A Lament and A Call

KEVIN ANNETT: More mass graves of children identified in Canada - War Crimes trial, independent digs to commence

SORCHA FAAL: Trump “Pandora’s Box” Attack Leads Putin To Warn America Is Failed Empire Walking Soviet Union’s Path

X22REPORT: A Week To Remember, [DS] Caught In The Act, Patriots Have It All, The Sting – Ep. 2495

SORCHA FAAL: Russia Ditches US Dollar Over “New World Order” Fears As “Eye Of Storm” American Collapse Nears

FULFORD: May 31, 2021 World Military and Intelligence Agencies to Remove Western Civilian Governments [FULL Report]

X22REPORT: Ep 2495a – Now The People Are Feeling Economic Turning, The Precipice

SOTN: LYMPHADENOPATHY: A Major Adverse Reaction to Covid Injections Foreshadows a Slo-Mo Killer Pandemic

Students at West Point threatened with solitary confinement, separation from Academy for refusing risky covid vaccinations

This is Biden's America -video

Watch: Three-Year-Old Piano Prodigy to Perform at Carnegie Hall

Heart inflammation following COVID-19 vaccine in teens being investigated

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