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TUCKING, PACKING, and BINDING: Trans Groomers Target the Children For Mutilation

Companies developing robots with machine guns in preview of dystopian terminator future

China deploys TANKS in the streets to prevent citizens from withdrawing their money from banks amid collapsing financial system

Aarticles of Interest

Gonzalo Lira - Zelensky Is About To Be Assassinated By The Americans

Huge number of Democrats say U.S. Constitution is irrelevant

Unholy war erupts as Republicans rip Biden for promoting atheism

SORCHA FAAL: Americans Warn Biden Child Sex Groomers “We Will Not Be Caught Sleeping Again”

SORCHA FAAll World Stunned After Peaceful January 6 Protester Chooses Suicide Over Biden Gulag

X22REPORT Sometimes You Must Lose A Battle To Win The War, Election Decertification Moves Forward – Ep. 2831

SOTN: Odessa Port Rocked By Missile Strikes Hours After Ukraine Grain Export Deal Signed

SORCHA FAAL If This Is To End In Fire, Then We Should All Burn Together

FULFORD: Countdown to US implosion begins after failure of Biden Mid-East trip [FULL Report]

X22REPORT: Ep 2831a – The [WEF]/[CB] Agenda Is About To Backfire On Them, Watch Putin

Trans bill rushing through . . .

Vaccinated population accounts for 92% of COVID-19 deaths in Canada

Max Igan - Death By Government...The Controlled Demolition Of Everything

Steve Bannon found guilty of contempt charges

Digital Authoritarianism AI Surveillance Signals the Death of Privacy

The Pandemic Predictor Neil Ferguson The Ghost in the Machine

The Hawks Are Awfully Sheepish on China.

SORCHA FAAL: Extraordinary Assault On “The Blob” Will Determine Fate Of World

X22REPORT: The [DS] Knew This Day Would Come, Do You See It Now, The Year Of The Boomerang – Ep. 2829

SOTN: They are literally getting ready to push the button on………….

SORCHA FAAL: Putin Announces “New Era” Has Begun, Says West Can’t Offer Its Own Model Of Future

X22REPORT: Ep 2829a – [CB]/[WEF] Are Struggling, A Tiny Percentage Believes In Their Agenda

You must DIE to save plant Earth: Center for Biological Diversity pushes mass starvation and poverty for humanity through emergency executive order roadmap

UK spy chief doubts Iran Supreme Leader will back nuclear deal

Cold fusion (LENR) commercial breakthrough could END food and energy scarcity around the world


Max Igan - Death By Government...The Controlled Demolition Of Everything

Judgment Day for grandma arrested for praying silently outdoors

Recruiting alarm sounded: U.S. Army understrength by 28,000 in next year

Leading Russian official says U.S., NATO ‘teetering’ on brink of conflict with Moscow that could go nuclear

From COVID to Global Control: bait and switch

SORCHJA FAAL: Ivana Trump “Epsteined” After President Trump Reinstatement Plan Revealed

X22REEPORT: ake News Realizes That People Don’t Trust Them, The [DS] Take Down Is About To Happen – Ep. 2827

Biden expected to declare climate 'emergency,' ram through green agenda

SOTN: The Last Days of “Joe Biden”

X22REPORT: Ep 2827a – [CB] Panics Over Failing Economic Agenda, The People Know The True Economic Issue

Putin says not all Ukraine grain export issues resolved, thanks Erdogan for progress

Vote [on 'Transgender] could happen any time this week . . .

Everyday HEROES: Good guy with gun intervenes during Indiana mall shooting, saves many lives

First it was abortion tents in national parks, now it’s “floating baby-killing clinics:” The Left is OBSESSED with abortion

SABOTAGE? – Dr. Birx Admits to Revising and HIDING Info From Trump’s COVID Team, While Altering CDC Guidelines Without Approval.

SORCHA FAAL: Ukraine Given “Judgment Day” Warning After Rebuking Pope Francis

X22REPORT: Narrative Shift Coming, Treasure Trove Of Information Released, Red October – Ep. 2826

SOTN: Global Bombshell!: Martial Law Plan Announced To Install Biden As Dictator (Video)

SORCHA FAAL: “Era Of Western Dominance Ending” After America Crashes Into Feared “3.5% Rule”

X22REPORT: Ep 2826a – The Patriot Economic Plan Is Working, Watch The People Around The World

SOTN: ust because you don’t like the messenger does not mean these radioactive GREAT RESET revelations are not true.

The Feds Pile Up Vaccine 'Adverse Event' Reports as They Decry Scaremongering Elsewhere

Yellow Sun Bad?

The Writer's relentless pursuit

Chaos in U.S. rail infrastructure causing emergency FEED SHORTAGES for ranchers in California and other southwest states

Trump “They Got Her!

Creeper Joe Biden Replaced By Deepfake And Latex Mask Wearing Actors CGI, Greenscreen, Photoshop Do Most Of The Rest - Real Biden Rarely Appears

Health experts quit CDC, NIH due to 'bad science'

Americans say armed citizens are best defense to mass shootings

SORCHA FAAL: US Navy Revolt Slams Biden Secret Plot To Oust Over 500,000 Troops

X22REPORT: Decisions Need To Be Made,Change Is Coming,What Happens When The Public Learns The Truth? – Ep. 2824

Ivana Trump, 1st wife of Donald Trump, dies

X22REPORT: Ep 2824a – The [CB] System Is Being Dismantled, In The End They Will Cease To Exist

Judge blocks Air Force from expelling members who refuse COVID shot

SOTN: WOW!!! Malcolm Nance: White Extremists Are An 'Insurgency' Worse Than ISIS - 'We May Have to Fight' Our Neighbors

FULFORD: Abe, Johnson fall, Biden and Macron next as Khazarian mafia takedown continues [FULL Report]

URGENT: Abortion vote today . . .

The guts of a Writer

China Advances Its Biowarfare Program Through Infiltration of US Virus Labs: Retired US Army Colonel

Ivana Trump Death Under Investigation: Report Ryan Johnson via Wikipedia Commons

Articles of Interest

CDC's Walensky Being Groomed To Be New Fauci Face Of American Health? Watch Her Urging People To Get 'Up To Date' - Get That Second Booster Dose!

SORCHA FAAL: Acknowledged World War Collides With “American Century Is Over” Proclamation

X22REPORT: Durham Requests 30 Subpoenas, Sting Operation Active, [HB] Will Bring Down DC – Ep. 2823

SOTN:The KHAZARIAN MAFIA’s Attempted Takedown Of America (Video)

SORCHA FAAL: Putin And Biden Head To Middle East As July 22 “Doomsday” Looms

X22REPORT: Ep 2823a – Transition From The Globalists,Time To Return To Sovereignty Of Peoples & Civilization

SOTN: What we are witnessing is a real awakening of the opposition to the Great Reset!

Journalism that blows the Big Vault open

Hundreds of Illegal Immigrants Filmed Crossing Into Eagle Pass, Texas

Dismantling the Constitution: Police No Longer Have to Honor the Right to Remain Silent

CDC FRAUD: Emails confirm that CDC officials fraudulently changed the definition of “vaccine” to force needless mRNA injections onto the population

Araticles of Interest

Baylor University Medical Doctor Says The Solution Is... 'We'll Just Get Rid Of All The Whites In The United States'

Federal judge orders White House to divulge communications with Big Tech

Wholesale inflation explodes to 11.3% in producer index, feds report

Israel to sell Haifa Port to India’s Adani Ports, Gadot group for $1.2 billion

Rishi Sunak heads race to become UK PM after latest vote

Germany to stop buying Russian coal in August, oil by end of year: Official

EU Warns of “Waves of Migration” Caused by Global Food Crisis

SORCHA FAAL: America Issues “Get Inside—Stay Inside—Stay Tuned” Nuclear War Alert

X22REPORT: Trump Sends Message, Crimes Against Humanity, House Of Cards, Pain – Ep. 2821

X22REPORT: Ep 2821a – The [CB]/[WEF] Agenda Is Falling Apart Right In Front Of Them

UN claims world hunger is necessary, as governments intentionally cause poverty on a global scale

Large percentage of Dems would give U.N. veto power over Supreme Court

Haiti Did Not Vaccinate Its Citizens, The Current Vax Rate is 1.4% — Yet Country Has One of Lowest COVID Death Rates in the World

Articles of Interest

Elon Musk trolls Twitter with Chuck Norris joke after nixing deal

SORCHA FAAL: Biden “Spy Tard” Crimes Prompts Europe To Lament “We Are Not Winning Global Narrative”

X22REPORT: Think Twitter,Honeypots,25th Amendment,Time To Restore Rule Of Law,Scare Necessary Event – Ep. 2820

SOTN: Biden goes after the 60,000 unjabbed in the US Military

SORCHA FAAL: Russia Moves To Extend Counter-Terror Operation Into America After Biden Decimates Military

SOTN: Global Gold-Rigging Crime Syndicate Exposed By Long-time Insider

X22REPORT: Ep 2820a – The World Is Now Rising Up Over The Economic Conditions, [CB] Failed

SORCHA FAAL: Terror Stricken Canada Quickly Surrenders After Vicious Russian Bear Strike

Remaking the Equality Act . .

More on writing: hand, eye, and stars

Poll: Joe Biden's Approval Rating Sinks to Historic Low of 29 Percent

Abortion isn’t “reproductive health,” it’s the MURDER of an individual human being

Corporate media used the phony ‘Russiagate’ narrative against Donald Trump to establish propaganda news cartel: Report


Baylor University Medical Doctor Says The Solution Is... 'We'll Just Get Rid Of All The Whites In The United States' Your browser does not support the video tag.

FULFORD: The second American Revolution will be a world revolution [FULL REPORT]

SOTN: COVID-19 BIOWAR & ‘VACCINE’ GENOCIDE: Much More Than a Militarized and AI-driven World Takeover Scheme

SORCHA FAAL: Two Western Leaders And Satanic Monument Annihilated After Russian “Wrath Of God” Warning

X22REPORT: The [DS] Just Blinked, News Is About To Unlock, Power Returning To The People – Ep. 2818

X22REPORT:Ep 2818a – The [CB]/[JB] Lies Are Not Working, They Are In Trouble And They Know It

SORCHA fAAL: Biden Insanity Sees Coal Emerging Victorious And Statue Of Liberty Under Threat

SORCHA FAAL: Decisive Russian Break With West Obliterates Socialist-Globalist World Order

SORCHA FAAL: Biden Warns “This Is A Time Of War And Global Peril”—Energy Giants Call Him An Idiot

SORCHA FAAL: Biden Awaits “Ultimate Demise” After World War II Hero Sobs “Our Boys Died For Nothing”

SORCHA FAAL: Out Of Office Trump Has Greatest Second Term In American History

What happened this week . . .

Globalists in the Netherlands are targeting farms to deliberately achieve GLOBAL FAMINE

Myocarditis, Pericarditis Risk Highest After Second COVID-19 Vaccine Dose

Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade, Ending 50 Years of Abortion Rights

X22REPORT: Trump Signals 11.3 Verifies, New Guards Will Replace The Old Guard, It’s The People’s Duty – Ep. 2796

SORCHA FAAL: Show Trial Ratings Trainwreck Plunges Biden Approval Rating To Record Low


X22REPORT: Ep 2796a – The [CB]/[JB] Have Pushed The People To The Precipice, Time Has Run Out

Biden spills true feelings on GOP, wants members 'in jail'

WHO meeting for global power . .

Exit From The Matrix: Ancient Tibet

The Mass Betrayal of Trust

Biden's 'Inflation Tax' Is Costing US Households $433 Per Month

Rep. Jordan: FBI punishing employees who hold conservative views, according to whistleblowers

Russia, which is now far more Christian than America, just introduced new law criminalizing “LGBT propaganda”

Articles of Interest

Minister claims 'Bible must give way' to same-sex 'marriage'

SORCHA FAAL: KGB Combat Psychics Warning Of Biden’s “Unstable Psyche” Shockingly Confirmed

X22REPORT: It’s What You Don’t See, Durham Is Not The Only Game In Town, Make America Great Again – Ep. 2795

SOTN: Doesn’t anybody realize that Zionist Zelensky is stealthily conducting an intentional genocide of the Ukraine military and citizenry?!

X22REPORT: Ep 2795a – The Economic Crisis Builds Momentum To Audit The Fed, Wait For It

Bilderberg 2022 has finished and here is the list of everything that happened there despite the high security fences.

Gas Prices Are So High, Police Told to “Respond” to 911 Calls By Phone

White House Presents COVID-19 ‘Vaccination’ (Bio-Weapon) Plan for Children Under Five ….This Is Pure Satanic Infanticide

Another COVID Vaccine smoking gun

Russia being blamed for locking up Ukrainian ports so grain cannot be shipped, but it’s actually Kyiv’s fault for dropping mines in the waters

FBI goes full Gestapo, raids home of leading GOP gubernatorial challenger to Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer

Biden’s disinformation board had secret plan to conspire with Big Tech to censor all opposing views

Chad declares food emergency as grain supplies fall

Tucker Carlson calls out lies about Jan. 6

Nine European countries urge NATO to beef up eastern flank

More Members Of White House Press Team Departing As Biden Approval Rating Hits Record Low

White House Presents COVID-19 ‘Vaccination’ (Bio-Weapon) Plan for Children Under Five ….This Is Pure Satanic Infanticide

George Soros is Funding a Massive Media Takeover to Try and Stem the Hispanic Losses on the Left.

X22REPORT: The ‘How’ Will Be Hard To Understand For Most, Focus On The ‘Why’, The ‘When’ Is Now – Ep. 2794

SORCHA FAAL: Massive Blast Confirms American Future Of “Endemic Regime Instability”


X22REPORT: Ep 2794a – [JB]/[CB] Are Finished, There Is No Coming Back From This Economic Disaster

Healthy young people dying from 'mysterious syndrome'

Youth Blood Harvesting: Another ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Vindicated as Fact

You are now the enemy . . .

One more time: where is the spike protein?

DHS to go after 'conspiracy' forums in terror threat bulletin

Spanish government admits to spraying chemtrails on citizens, at behest of the UN

Sudden vaccines deaths are now so common they’ve assigned a SYNDROME name for it: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)

Iraq’s Sadr warns MPs could ‘resign’ to break political deadlock

Biden threatens 'executive orders' if Roe is overturned

Collabro BGT2015 Guesting

Mystery plane puts east Europe air forces on alert

Lebanon prosecutor requests charges against central bank chief

X22REPORT: [DS] Attempting To Establish New Narrative, [Riots], Countermeasures In Place – Ep. 2793

SORCHA FAAL: Biden Signals 20 Year War On Insane Belief Ukraine Might Sustain Planet

X22REPORT: Ep 2793a – [JB]/[CB] Shift Tactics, Why Is The Fed Pricing Goods In Bitcoin?

NIH Erased Webpage Details Monkeypox Vaccine ‘Bioterror’ Research Praised By Anthony Fauci.

Articles of Interest

You can see and say . . . nothing

A new point about the missing virus

What Happens To Europe When Russia Wins

Finance, climate, diplomacy, science, medicine, education and psychology: The “experts” are WRONG about almost everything

6.7.22: J6 Hoax, Navarro, Biden's CRIME, Border Invasion, Gender confusion, J@BS...PHEW! PRAY!

Did X-Files Predict The Future? - No, Chris Carter Was Told...

Biden’s White House Radicalized the Would-Be Kavanaugh Killer as Pelosi Held Up Supreme Court Security Funds.

Biden using DOJ as weapon against political enemies, Fox host charges

Jan. 6 hearing to spotlight Trump saying 'stand by' Proud Boys

Major food Processing Plants, That Have Suffered Big 'Accidents' Or Have Been Burned Down - Planned Famine And Starvation is Nearing

X22REPORT: [D] Day, We Will Have Our Country Back, The [DS] Admits Control Of The People Has Been Lost – Ep. 2792

SORCHA FAAL: Russia Vows To Disappear Western Colonial “Bastards And Geeks”

YOU WILL EAT BUGS AND BE HAPPY: Wales now feeding schoolchildren mealworms and crickets for lunch as part of the Great Reset rollout

SOTN: OPERATION MONKEYPOX: Another Worldwide Cover-up of the Covid Plandemic

SORCHA FAAL: Underway “World War For Bread” Joins Biden Standing Now Worse Than Trump’s

X22REPORT: Ep 2792a – Inflation Blame Game Continues, This Will Not End Well For the [CB]

SORCHA FAAL: Russian “Sleepers” Threat Prompts Biden Evacuation And Cancellation Of Saudi Arabia Visit

New Podcast: Mass Shootings and the Psychiatric Drug Connection

Bilderberg Group meets in secret to discuss “disinformation”

Russian top official tells the truth about Big Pharma and engineered bioweapons (while US officials LIE to protect pharma crooks)

Articles of Interest

Col Douglas MacGregor Slams Biden's Latest Ukraine Escalation

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