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Total Records Found: 140019

Australia is rapidly becoming “cashless society” shunning all physical currency

Heart attack rates are skyrocketing, and the media is blaming everything other than COVID vaccines

Hugh Jackman One Day More

Bidenflation unmasked: 'Muggers, armed robbers and hit men'

SORCHA FAAL: Biden Warns Of “Long Fight Ahead” As Mexican Death Blow Nears

SORCHA FAAL: “End Of Globalization” Declared After Russian “Golden Death Star” Strikes “King Dollar”

FULFORD: Spring equinox marks turning point in battle to liberate earth [FULL REPORT]

ABORTION WELFARE: Getting an abortion in California is now “free,” thanks to Gavin Newsom

Biden Suggests U.S. Troops Are Going To Ukraine Despite Promising Otherwise

BREAKING BOMBSHELL: Hunter Biden’s Laptop Contains Emails Showing then-VP Biden’s Son Reportedly Helped Secure $Millions For Military Bioresearch Program In Ukraine


Exit From The Matrix: The surpassing power of imagination

BlackRock's Fink Says Ukraine Invasion "Accelerates" ESG and Digital Currencies Shift

What Is It About Cows?

Climate change, diversity, and equity: it’s ALL a scam

SOTN: Breaking: US Deploying Chemical Weapons to Poland for False Flag Ukraine Attack, Full Background (Confirmed by VT)

Biden Offers Excuse as to Why He Won't Visit Ukraine Border: Handlers Won't Let Me

Biden appears to suggest US troops will be sent to Ukraine

Army discharges more soldiers for refusing COVID shot

Joe Biden warns of looming food shortages coming to America as occupying regime commits economic suicide

SORCHA FAAL: Biden Deploys “Doomsday” Plane After Russia Links His Son Hunter To Ukraine Biolabs

X22REPORT: Trump Sues [HRC] & The [DS], How Do You Introduce Evidence Legally, Define Treason – Ep. 2734

X22REPORT: Ep 2734a – Globalization Is Ending, The [CB] Will Follow, Trump Was Right Again

SOTN: The MAD Warmongers & Their Empire of Lies

AGAIN! Reference to NUKES!

U.S. braces for increased border flood when Trump policy expires

New data--more deadly than disease . . .

COVID Propaganda Roundup: The Biomedical War Is Just Heating Up

Hunter Biden's investment fund linked to Ukrainian biolabs engaged in pathogen research: Russian Defense Ministry

US-funded bioweapons labs in Ukraine were tampering with bat coronaviruses

CLIMATE LOCKDOWN: Globalists are exploiting oil price spikes to push for greater population control with “10-point plan” that includes bans on travel

Aesop’s Fables: The Cat, the Cock, and the Young Mouse

Biden says 'food shortages are gonna be real' (Remember, they are being Intentionally created

Watchdog sues feds over COVID vaccine's 'adverse events' reports

Donald Trump Sues Hillary Clinton Over Russia Hoax Allegations


SORCHA FAAL: Whoever Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities Can Make You Commit Atrocities

SORCHA FALL: “Sooner Or Later The Endless Spectacle Is Over. Then We Will Take Revenge; Mercilessly.”

X22REPORT: Without A Shield The [DS] Is Left Vulnerable, Nobody Walks Away From This – Ep. 2733


X22REPORT: Ep 2733a – It Has Begun, Fake News Begins To Protect The Fed, Already Failed

Why 2022 is 1973

What else are they hiding? . . .What else are they hiding? . . . .

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright Dead

Biden’s SCOTUS Pick: “I Don’t Know” When Life Begins


Thousands of California grocery workers vote to strike against major supermarket chains: How will this affect the food supply

Conservatives Introduce Motion to End All Federal Vaccine Mandates [CA]

SOTN: 62% of Patients Vaccinated for COVID Have Permanent Heart Damage

SOTN: “Laboratories in Ukraine funded by the US military were making biological weapons components” — Russian Ministry of Defence

Russell Bentley - Life In Wartime Donetsk A Remarkable Update With Photos

Jordan's Final Three Programs With Jeff 3-23-22

As Ukraine invasion stalls, Russia launches nuke threats to rest of world

People have shot their immune systems to death with vaccines

Putin spokesman refuses to rule out use of nuclear weapons if Russia faced an 'existential threat'

SORCHA FAAL: Russia Warns American Ties “On Brink Of Collapse” As Biden Proclaims “New World Order”

X22REPORT: What Happens When A Blockade (Threat) Is Dismantled & Removed, Fire At Will Commander – Ep. 2732

SOTN: President Reagan’s Epic Interview on John Wayne and Communist Infiltration of Hollywood (Video)

X22REPORT: Ep 2732a – New World Order, Great Reset, Conspiracy No More, Countries Moving Away From The [CB]

Stolen and then silenced . . .

Do Screens Get in the Way of Learning?

Spike protein in mRNA COVID vaccines: One of the most bioactive and damaging substances known to mankind

Skyrocketing fuel costs spark mass protests in France, Spain and Albania

Ukrainian biolabs operator Metabiota linked to EcoHealth Alliance, World Economic Forum and Jeffrey Epstein


Couple submits 17-pound 'potato' named 'Doug' to Guinness World Records, then gets surprising results

U.S. Army surgeon in tears: Top brass ordered silence on vaccine injuries

Officials in major U.S. city named for 2020 presidential election 'bribery'

President Trump Actually Worked to Help the Planet While Biden is All Talk

DOXOLOGY (God Be Praised)

SORCHA FAAL: Putin Invokes Patron Saint Of Nuke Bombers—Then “Doomsday” Plane Takes Flight

X22REPORT: Ep 2731a – The Economic Narrative Just Boomeranged On [JB] & The [CB]

X22REPORT:The Keys That Opens All Doors, The Start, Nothing Can Stop This, Nothing – Ep. 2731

Suburbs Switch Support from Biden to Trump, Spelling Doom for Dems in 2024

Director Adam McKay Demands Defunding of Fuel Industry as Gas Prices Crush Working Class

Legacy Vol II 'Hallelujah'

SORCHA FAAL: Ukraine Becomes One Party State—Slams EU Door Shut And Trashes NATO


Stop soaring gas prices . . .

The Matrix Revealed: My interviews on space-time manipulation

Illegal National Gun Registry? Fed’s ATF Has Amassed ‘1 Billion Gun Records’

Former BlackRock advisor says Pfizer colluded with FDA to hide data that shows COVID “vaccine” clinical trials FAILED

Mayor of Madison, Wisconsin, charged with election bribery by accepting Mark Zuckerberg’s money

The Ultimate “Revenge War” in Ukraine Explained

U.S. Sending Suicide Drones to Ukraine

Putin's side of the story

GOP governor suspends gas taxes through May

Open border chaos: Thousands of illegals set loose by Biden overwhelm Phoenix Airport

Animals and Humans Sharing a Deep Connection

Fauci: We Have to Be Prepared to Reinstitute Some Restrictions for COVID Variants

Col Macgregor Lays Out The Ukraine War TRUTH

X22REPORT: Stage Set, Ukraine Freedom, Biden Compromised, A Traitor’s Justice- Ep. 2729

SORCHA FAAL: Ukrainian President Orders Russian Air Strikes To Defeat Nazi Forces

SOTN: PUTIN’S RUSSIA: Perfect Foil To The Anglo-American Axis And Their New World Order

X22REPORT: Ep 2729a – Federal Reserve Note Is Fading, Countries Are Preparing

FULFORD:As world distracted by Ukraine hysteria, big changes happened [FULL Report]

Coming to America . . .

Power Outside The Matrix: What it means

Putin Lays Out Two ‘Most Difficult’ Demands of Ukraine Amid Ceasefire Talks: Report

America at war: Excess deaths mount after COVID-19 vaccine rollouts, mandates

CIA admits training Nazi terror troops in Ukraine, which have been fighting and killing Russians since 2015

Pharmaceutical giant Gilead spent $259 million bribing doctors and hospitals to push deadly drugs on patients Friday, March 18, 2022 by: Ethan Huff

VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED: Don’t drink city or county water anywhere in the USA!

Ukrainian labs Quickly destroy biomaterials, documentation - Lots Of Familiar US Names Likely In The Documents Being Destroyed

How 1 baby's scream changed everything for a Democrat

Secret Service: $100,000,000,000 in pandemic relief cash stolen!

Top global agency calls for 'lockdowns' to curb oil use

SORCHA FAAL: Russia Begins Rapid Dispersal Of Cultural Treasures Into Nuclear War Storage

X22REPORT: The Attempted ‘Coup’ [Treason] Opens The Public Door To More Serious… – Ep. 2728


X22REPORT: Ep 2728a – IMF Says The Quiet Part Out Loud, But The Opposite Will Happen

NO ESCAPE: Ukrainian authorities are destroying passports and sending foreign mercenaries to suicide missions in Kyiv000

Desperate Biden administration enlists clueless TikTok stars to blame inflation on Putin

Shocking report released by FDA . .

The real US-Russian connection looks like this

Former Big Pharma employee says entire industry knew engineered COVID-19 pandemic was coming

Healing Allergy Inflammation With Stinging Nettle (+Recipe)

If COVID vaccines really work, how did 400,000 mostly jabbed South Koreans suddenly test “positive” in one day?

Dumbshit Russians? nNo, Dumbshit AMericans! [Rense]

Coke Head Zelensky demands Putin doesn’t keep an inch of Crimea And The Donbass ...Heading To Nuclear War[rense]

Grenell: FBI committed crimes investigating Russia collusion conspiracy theory

'Worst ever' deal with Iran getting even worse

Up, Up, and Away: Biden/Democrat Policies Drove Gas Prices Sky-High Before Putin Attacked Ukraine

Retiring Democrat Breaks Silence, Trashes Democrats

SORCHA FAAL: World War III Called “A Small Price To Pay For Democrat Party Dominance”

SOTN: West’s Global Political and Economic Dominance Ends – Putin

X22REPORT: Next Week Boom, Panic Mode, The Hunt Is On, Search And Destroy – Ep. 2727

X22RE[PRT: Ep 2727a – Countries Are Now Pursuing Independence, World Bank Says Don’t Hoard Essentials

Third of Americans Would Risk Nuclear War With Russia Over Ukraine: Poll

Witness tampering hides the truth . . .

Elite American support for Russia: a tradition

Blackouts Hit Tokyo After Powerful M7.3 Earthquake Strikes Fukushima

Russia to Press on With MS-21 and Superjet Airliner Projects

If any natural remedy came with the INSANE side effect warnings like new Rybelsus for type-2 diabetes, the FDA and CDC would OUTLAW it

Anti-Russia xenophobia “could cause mass poverty in Germany,” warns government official

SOTN: US Senate Supports Career Criminal Tony Fauci By Rejecting Measure To Eliminate His NIAID Director Position

Soros Worries About Putin-Xi Partnership, Hopes They Can Be Stopped 'Before They Destroy Our (Zionist Bolshevik) Civilization'

Feds refuse July 4 fireworks permit for Mt. Rushmore, again!

Wall Street analyst: COVID vaccines 'greatest fraud in history'

Report: Justice Department is Investigating Hunter Biden for Foreign Lobbying Violations

Powerful earthquake hits Japan off Fukushima coast as tsunami warning issued

SORCHA FAAL: The Dark Valley Has Been Entered—Now It Starts Spinning Out of Control

X22REPORT: Did Putin Just Seize The [DS] Assets? The [DS] Treasonous Crimes Are About To Be Revealed – Ep. 2726

SOTN: Here’s how the CIA’s Mockingbird Media colludes with a globalist US Senator and Zionist warmonger to fabricate a patently false future narrative to cover for a US-directed false flag bio-attack in Ukraine. (Video)

X22REPORT: Ep 2726a – The [CB] System Is Being Destroyed,The Birth Of A New Economic System Comes Into Focus

Gas and the Great Reset . . .

Anti-Russia? Try this on for size

Blackouts Hit Tokyo After Powerful M7.3 Earthquake Strikes Fukushima

“Guilty Until Proven Innocent” Biden Signs New Backdoor Gun Control Into Law

f the Ukraine conflict doesn’t end soon, the world will starve

As US government denies biological research in Ukraine, Russia exposes network of biolabs that began during the Obama-Biden administration

SOTN: Senate Rejects Measure To Eliminate Fauci’s Position

Russia Reveals Documentary Evidence of US Military Bio Labs in Ukraine at UN Meeting

Klaus Schwab & Hunter Biden Connected To Ukraine Bio-Labs

Vengeance is Coming: 19th Day of Military Operations in Ukraine

Invasive spiders that grow to size of child's hand expected to parachute down into U.S. this spring

Poll: Americans say Biden is 1-term-and-done

Tweet Gab Share Email Print Zelensky pleads with Congress to 'do more'

SORCHA FAAL: Russia Confirms Ukraine Is “Holy War”—Dire Warnings Of World War III Quickly Follow

X22REPORT: [DS] Lost Ukraine, Panic Sets In, The Beginning Of The End, News Unlocks – Ep. 2725

SOTN: WILLIAM HURT: A Highly Respected Actor & Heroic 9/11 Truth Teller Taken Out Via A Bioweapon?

X22REPORT: Ep 2725a – The Fed Is Now In The Crosshairs, There Is No Escaping Economic Tyranny

SOTN: The same London, New York City & Frankfurt Banksters who financed the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution are funding and arming Ukraine today

BOMBSHELL: Fauci owns patent on SARS-CoV-2 gp120 HIV insertion, which destroys the body’s cancer-killing T cells

Paying Iran for oil . . .

Anti-Russia? Then arrest the Clintons

Elementary School Children Segregated By Hair Color, Harassed, and Forced to View Graphic Content of Murdered Black Children to Teach Them About Racism

Putin Signs Law To Seize Foreign Aircraft Amid Crippling Sanctions

IRS targets poorest households in U.S., study finds

Cargo Ship Stuck in 24 Feet of Water in Chesapeake Bay

We want Alaska back from U.S., says Russian lawmaker

NATO Member Estonia Calls For Immediate steps to create a no-fly Zone over Ukraine - This could Likely trigger A nuclear Wa

Russian TV Sets Stage for FURTHER INVASIONS!!! Poland, Baltics!!!

Russia Going All Out' - Maj Gen GD Bakshi's Analysis As The Russia-Ukraine War Escalates

Russia Imposes Retaliatory Sanctions on Hillary Clinton and Hunter Biden

Gov. DeSantis Eliminates Standardized Testing

SORCAH FAAL: “Buckle Up, Folks!” Warning Issued To Americans Biden Will Starve To Defend West

X22REPORT: Evidence Cannot Be Stopped, The People Will Know Soon, The Country Belongs To The People – Ep. 2724

SORCHA FAAL: Russia Obliterates NATO Doorstep As Iran Joins World War III With Ballistic Missile Strikes

X22REPORT: Ep 2724a – It’s Time To Protect Our Own Sovereignty, The Globalist System Has Failed

SORCHA FAAKl West Explodes In Rage After Putin Drives Stake Through Heart Of Globalism

Food insecurity worsening already following Russian invasion of Ukraine, as countries begin withholding exports

SORCHA FAAL: Crazy Russian Claim About Ukraine Bioweapon Birds Meets 3 Million Dead Poultry In America

Is this his plan to eliminate oil and gas? . . .

Massive lawsuit: pesticide causes Parkinson's

WOW! Leftist Late Night Hosts Leave Viewers Stunned When They Start Singing Trump’s Praises After Only 13 Months of Joe Biden [VIDEO]


Tucker - The Most Damaging Thing Any American President Has Ever Done

Rand Paul's Fauci amendment eliminates health 'dictator in chief'




FULFORD: EU negotiating surrender to Russia, fake Biden government doomed [FULL Report]

SOTN: HUGE Intel Drop by Russian Insiders—MUST READ!

SORCHA FAAL: Ukraine Biolab Covid Horror Soon To Meet Enormous Secret Stashes Of Eastern Gold

X22REPORT: [DS] Narrative Failure,Unsealing Of The First Several Indictments Will Bring About Unity –Ep. 2722

SORCHA FALL: “Hell On Earth” Warning Follows Shocking Pentagon-Ukraine Biolab Discovery

X22REPORT: Ep 2722a – Biden Admin Blames Everything On Covid & Putin, People See The Truth

SORCHA FAAL: West Demands Russians Be “Marked With Red Stars”—Then Evil Spirit “Killing Stone” Fractures

Drill Baby, Drill . . .

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