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Environment Weather And Climate

100,000 homes have been destroyed or damaged by Harvey — and for survivors the financial toll is just beginning

Irma Turning Into Monster Hurricane: 'Highest Windspeed Forecasts I've Ever Seen'

News Updates from CLG

“Weather wars” theorists claim Hurricane Harvey was engineered, “steered” toward Houston as a “weather terrorism” weapon

Record-Breaking Heat Tops 120 Degrees in Parts of Southern California

Weather Service Says Harvey is Unlike Anything They've Seen

“Biblical” hurricane expected to hit US nuclear plant — Experts fear epic catastrophe — Rainfall could be 'nearly apocalyptic… borderline unfathomable… unprecedented' — Wind gusts near 150 MPH expected (VIDEOS)

Trump Keeps Promise, Disbands Climate Committee

Australian scientists ordered to stop deleting cold temperature data as part of climate change “fake science” narrative

Crushed by Mother Nature

Global Warming BOMBSHELL: Systematic science fraud revealed in alteration of temperature data

Climate Change Fraud Evidence Countered By US Media Saying White Men Can’t Be Believed

Research Team Slams Global Warming Data In New Report: "Not Reality... Totally Inconsistent With Credible Temperature Data"

Weather Channel founder tells CNN “climate change is a hoax” … 31,000 scientists agree

Sioux Falls SD – Upward Lightning (6-13-2017)

Al Gore confuses TIDES with global warming ocean rise apocalypse, claims fish are “swimming in the streets” of Miami due to climate change

Global warming “hockey stick” data founded on FRAUD… computer models “hacked” to produce warming trend from any data set

DELINGPOLE: ‘Global Warming’ Is a Myth, Say 58 Scientific Papers in 2017

Billionaire Bloomberg Builds Coalition Of States To Combat Climate Change